Manage your phone's photos via a web interface over WiFi.
In the Google Play store:
Build in Android Studio: Tools -> SDK Manger -> SDK Tools -> Enable NDK and CMake.
Build in Docker:
mkdir -p `pwd`/../wifiphotoscache/.gradle
docker build -t wifiphotos .
docker run --name wifiphotos --rm -it -v `pwd`:/wifiphotos -v `pwd`/../wifiphotoscache/.gradle:/root/.gradle -v $HOME:/home/user1 --entrypoint /bin/bash --workdir /wifiphotos wifiphotos --init-file /home/user1/.myprofile
./gradlew build
- Increment versionCode and versionName in app/build.gradle.
- Android Studio -> Build -> Generate Signed Bundle / APK -> App Bundle -> Point keystore to .jks file, key alias "key0".
- Upload .aab file to .