The goal of the tool is to generate/build profiles and related artifact based on UML models and OWL ontologies. SchemaComposer allows users to create logical models visually, using concepts from conceptual models defined in both the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Using these logical models, schemas in various schema definition languages can be generated automatically. Currently supports the generation of Avro Schema and JSON Schema. Idea's for other formats include: Odata, OAS, CIM-RDF, XSD, GraphQL etc.
The tools allows to select OWL or UML class concepts, set some additonal contrains (e.g. select a root class) and export them to an Avro or JSON schema.
The ESM schema composer supports 2 ways of imports
The ESM schema composer uses the Enterprise architect database to retrieve UML classes. The tool does not store a copy of the UML profile. It only retrieves the relevant parts.
The tool allows to import OWL files.