is a command-line todo / task management app that allows adding tasks on a per-project basis or globally. Project
task lists are stored in a specific folder on disk whereas the global list is typically stored in the user's home
Assuming td
is in your $PATH
td <command> [params]
a <item description> [!tag1 ... !tagn] [@due date]
Add a new item with the given tags and due date. Tags should be single words starting with !. Due date is
can be in common formats or @today, @tomorrow, @nextweek. Returns the item id.
c <item id>
Mark an item as completed.
p <item id>
Mark an item as in progress
r <item id>
Revert item status to incomplete
t <item id> [!tag1 ... !tagn]
Add tags to an item. If no tags are specified, all tags are removed from the item.
f <needle>
Find an item by description or tag. To search by tag, needle should start with a !.
List all items for the current project.
To manage the global list, most of the commands above are available, simply prefix them with g
(i.e. ga
adds an item
to the global list, gf
searches the global list, and so on)