Hi, I'm Alan Eng! I study computer science at Northeastern University. Outside of classes, I work on full-stack web development projects, primarily with React and Express. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or create a pull request on one of my projects if you want to contribute!
This is my personal GitHub account, which I use to contribute to my own personal projects and ventures. My secondary GitHub is used for my contributions to Northeastern Electric Racing as a tech lead and for class projects.
alaneng.com | eng.al@northeastern.edu | LinkedIn | Secondary GitHub | Pictures | Projects
Spotify Playlist Visualizer transforms your Spotify playlists into a dynamic 3D experience, visualizing each song as a vector in space. By analyzing the audio features provided by Spotify, we position each song relative to others, creating a unique visual representation of your music taste.
Tech Stack
- React, Vite, Tailwind, Three.js
- Express, Prisma, PostgreSQL
- Flask, SciKit-Learn, NumPy
- Docker
Try it out yourself: https://spv.alaneng.com/
Contribute: https://github.com/alneng/spotify-playlist-visualizer/