The solution for the ProgrammingAssignment2 by A.Neverov
This set of fulction allows to invert a square matrix and excludes the repeated calculations via the caching of the inverted matrix
- create the square matrix, for example m
- create the CacheMatrix-object cm <- makeCacheMatrix(m)
- calculate the inverted matrix im <- cacheSolve(cm)
- call the function round(m %*% im)
- as the result you'll get an E-matrix
WARNING! It's impossible to invert non-square matrixes or matrixes containing NAs with these functions
This function creates a special object that contains the matrix and its invert
- x - the base square matrix Returns:
- the list contains method to access the matrix and its invert
- If x is non-square matrix or contains any NAs the function returns NULL
The fucntion for inverting the square matrix created via the objects created with the makeCacheMatrix function
- x - the makeCacheMatrix object
- ... - the set of arguments for solve() function
- if x isn't null the inverted matrix is returning
- if x is null the function returns NULL