Author: Alex Neverov
This is a Worpress theme generated using the SASS WordPress Theming Kit.
The main goal of the project is to check how useful is the kit.
- This project is created using SASS/SCSS.
- jQuery is required.
- SASS WordPress Theming Kit
= 0.6 =
- Comments were stylized
- Issues with navigation and pagination were fixed
- Control elements were stylized
- Styling of the control elements were checked used Contact Form 7 plugin
- Support of the editor-style was added for Gutenberg
- Tables were stylized
- Custom logo issues were fixed
- The typography was stylized for code, pre, quotes etc.
- Icons were replaced with generated using
= 0.5 =
- Templates were modified: index.php, singular.php, attachment.php
- Standard WordPress widgets are supported: archives, categories, tag cloud, navigation, gallery etc.
- Horizontal and vertical menus are supported
- Sidebars: left-sidebar, footer-sidebar, and a sidebar below the header
- Standard widgets presentation is adopted for the sidebar orientation: vertical or Horizontal
- The layout is responsive: mobile first!
- Sticky post is supported
- Media content: video, audio, is supported
- Theme customization is supported: custom header, custom background, custom logo
- Theme customization were added: custom footer text and custom social links with custom social icons which will be shown in the footer area
= 0.1 =
- The theme was initially generated using the kit.
- All necessary identifications where replaced.