Tags: aloisklink/remark-mermaid-dataurl
chore: publish v3.0.0 of remark-mermaid-dataurl BREAKING CHANGES ---------------- - Bump required Node.JS version to 18.19 - Updated `@mermaid-js/mermaid-cli` to `^11` Dependencies ------------ - Updated `puppeteer` to `^23` - Updated `unist-util-visit` to `^5` - Updated `vfile` to `^6`
chore: publish v2.1.0 of remark-mermaid-dataurl Added ===== - Add TypeScript types to `remark-mermaid-dataurl` - Use Mermaid titles/descriptions for the output markdown image's title/alt-text, e.g. like: ```markdown  ``` See https://mermaid.js.org/config/accessibility.html for how to add titles and descriptions to your Mermaid diagrams. Dependencies ============ - Add `@types/mdast` and `vfile` as dependencies. We only use these for their types. - Updated `@mermaid-js/mermaid-cli` from `^10.0.0` to `^10.0.2` to use the types added by that release. Signed-off-by: Alois Klink <alois@aloisklink.com>
chore: publish v2.0.7 of remark-mermaid-dataurl Fixed ===== - Fix minimum support Node versions to `^14.13 || >=16.0`. This was always the case, due to a transitive dependency via `mermaid-cli` on `chalk`. See [mermaid-js/mermaid-cli@`57781f7`](mermaid-js/mermaid-cli@57781f7). Dependencies ============ - Updated `@mermaid-js/mermaid-cli` from `^9.1.6` to `^10.0.0`, see [mermaid-js/mermaid-cli@10.0.0 release notes](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid-cli/releases/tag/10.0.0) and [mermaid@10.0.0 release notes](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/releases/tag/v10.0.0). It looks like the main breaking changes are to do with Mermaid's API, but there are no breaking changes to `mermaid-cli`, or this package.
chore: publish v2.0.6 of remark-mermaid-dataurl Fixed ===== - Fix undefined SVG `svgjs` namespace error Sometimes, the generated SVGs are invalid due to an unknown `svgjs` prefix error (this happens with `mermaid-mindmaps`), see svgdotjs/svg.js#1285. This work-around manually defines the XML `svgjs` namespace by adding `xmlns:svgjs` to the `<svg ...>` element until the upstream issue/bug is fixed. Dependencies ============ - Updated puppeteer from `^18.0.4` to `^19.0.0`
chore: publish v2.0.5 of remark-mermaid-dataurl Fixed ===== - Set mermaid config option `useMaxWidth` to `false` by default. In Mermaid v9.1.7, some graph types default to using all the available horizontal space. On many markdown renderers, this creates very large diagrams, so by default `remark-mermaid-dataurl` limits them to use a smaller amount of space (e.g. pre-v9.1.7 behaviour). See mermaid offical docs on the `useMaxWidth` option: https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/Setup?id=usemaxwidth-1 - Fix passing `configFile` as a JS object.
chore: publish v2.0.2 of remark-mermaid-dataurl Fixed ===== - Fixed support for mermaid-cli `^9.1.6` Dependencies ============ - Updated `mermaid-cli` version to `^9.1.6` - This increases the minimum version of `mermaid` to `^9.1.6`, see https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/releases/tag/9.1.6 - Removed unneeded dependency on `memfs` - Added dependency on puppeteer `^16.0.0` - puppeteer was previously a transitive dependency from `mermaid-cli`