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Open Service Broker

Open Service Broker using Spring Cloud OSB.

Deployed as Kubernetes Service Broker.

Docker Build

mvn clean package
docker build -t alokkusingh/home-osb:latest -t alokkusingh/home-osb:1.0.0 --build-arg JAR_FILE=target/open-service-broker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar .
docker push alokkusingh/home-osb:latest
mvn clean package
docker build -t alokkusingh/home-osb:latest -t alokkusingh/home-osb:1.0.0 --build-arg JAR_FILE=target/open-service-broker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar .
docker push alokkusingh/home-osb:latest

Kubernetes Deployment

Create Namespaces for OSB and Tests

kubectl apply -f k8s/deploy/namespace.yaml

Create Java Spring OSB Service - business logic

kubectl apply --validate=true --dry-run=client -f k8s/deploy/home-osb-service.yaml 
kubectl apply -f k8s/deploy/home-osb-service.yaml

Create Service Broker

Create secret for service broker

kubectl create -f k8s/deploy/home-osb-broker-secret.yaml

Create service broker

kubectl create -f k8s/deploy/home-osb-broker.yaml

Note: as of now Microk8s doesn't support servicecatalog

View Service Offerings

Show the list of brokered service offerings advertised by the service broker:

kubectl get clusterserviceclasses,EXTERNAL\ NAME:.spec.externalName

Show the details of the brokered service offering:

kubectl get clusterserviceclasses b92c0ca7-c162-4029-b567-0d92978c0a97 -o=yaml

View Service Plans

Show the list of brokered service plans advertised by the service broker:

kubectl get clusterserviceplans,EXTERNAL\ NAME:.spec.externalName

Show the details of the brokered service plan:

kubectl get clusterserviceplans fd81196c-a414-43e5-bd81-1dbb082a3c55 -o yaml

Use the service broker

Create a service instance

Create an instance of a brokered service from the sample service broker:

kubectl create -f k8s/deploy/service-instance.yml

Show the details of the created service instance:

kubectl describe serviceinstance mail-instance -n test-stack

Create a service binding

Create a service binding for the service instance:

kubectl create -f k8s/deploy/service-binding.yml

Show the details of the created service binding:

kubectl describe servicebinding mail-binding -n test-stack

Service bindings are exposed via Kubernetes secret objects. Show the details of the secret containing the binding credentials:

kubectl get secret mail-binding -n test-stack -o yaml

Delete the stack

kubectl delete -f k8s/deploy/namespace.yaml