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Java 8 api client

Automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen

  • and a little fixed by me)*

Refer to the official documentation

test checkbox API

  • API version: 0.1.26
    • Build date: 2021-11-02T14:34:29.121+02:00[Europe/Kiev]

Core API of Software Registrar of Settlement Operations


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.7+
  2. Maven/Gradle


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:



At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/checkbox-api-j8client-0.0.1.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar


Please follow the installation All of the methods described below work, but others may not.

import ua.checkbox.j8client.*;
import ua.checkbox.j8client.auth.*;
import ua.checkbox.j8client.model.*;
import ua.checkbox.j8client.api.DefaultApi;

import java.util.*;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ShiftModel shift;

        DefaultApi apiClient = new DefaultApi(""); // for test mode use

        try {
            apiClient.signIn("login", "password"));
            //open shift
            shift = apiClient.openShift("your License Key", null);

            // check shift status
            if(shift.getStatus() == ShiftStatus.OPEN)
                System.out.println("shift is open");

            // get open shifts (I think there should be one)
            PaginatedResultShiftWithCashRegisterModel_ opennedShifts = apiClient.getActiveShifts();
            if (!result.getResults().isEmpty())
                shift = result.getResults().get(0);

            // deposit cash, aka "службове внесення готівки" if value > 0, 
            // withdraw cash, aka "службове вилучення готівки"  if value < 0, 
            // use hundredths of your value, i.e. if your value is 500.00UAH, use 50000 instead
            ReceiptServicePayload cashBody = new ReceiptServicePayload()
                        .payment(new CashPaymentPayload().value((int) (500.0 * 100)));

            // Create X-report
            ReportModel x = apiClient.createXReport();

            // Create Z-report, shift closing
            ShiftWithCashierAndCashRegister z = apiClient.closeShift(null);
            // sale (isReturnReceipt == false) or return (isReturnReceipt == true)
            //  assumed that goods, item and client values contains necessary fields and getters
            // goods
            List<GoodItemPayload> goodsList = new ArrayList<GoodItemPayload>();
            for (FiscalReceiptProductDto item : goods) {
                GoodItemPayload goodItem = new GoodItemPayload();
                AllOfGoodItemPayloadGood good = new AllOfGoodItemPayloadGood();
                good.setPrice(Integer.valueOf((int) (item.getSellPrice() * 100))); // price in 1/100 of UAH)

                goodItem.setQuantity(item.getQuantity() * 1000); // 1/1000 of item quantity: if you sell 5 pcs. place 5000 here

            // type of payment
            List<AnyOfReceiptSellPayloadPaymentsItems> payments = new ArrayList<>();
            if (cashSum > 0) {
                // round to first decimal number, as required by the National Bank of Ukraine
                payments.add(new CashPaymentPayload().value((int) (Math.round(cashSum * 10.0) * 10))); // 1/100 of UAH
            if (creditCardSum > 0) {
                payments.add(new CardPaymentPayload().value((int) (creditCardSum * 100)));  // 1/100 of UAH
            // Discounts
            List<DiscountPayload> discounts = new ArrayList<>();
            if (discountSum > 0) {
                discounts.add(new DiscountPayload().mode(DiscountMode.VALUE).type(DiscountType.DISCOUNT)
                        .value((int) (discountSum * 100)));
            // e-mails
            DeliveryPayload sendTo = new DeliveryPayload();
            for (String email : client.getEmails()) {

            ReceiptSellPayload receipt = new ReceiptSellPayload()
                    .id(uuid)   // place here you uuid or skip this step
            if (currentLocation != null)

            ReceiptModel receiptResponse = apiClient.createReceiptSell(receipt);

            // Get receipt as HTML document
            String html = apiClient.getReceiptHtml(uuid, true);
            // Get receipt as pdf document
            File pdf = apiClient.getReceiptPdf(uuid);

            // Get receipt as QR-code
            File qr = apiClient.getReceiptQrCodeImage(uuid);

            // Get receipt as png document (default size) to print with thermal printer 
            File png = apiClient.getReceiptPng(uuid, null, null);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            if (e.getResponseBody() != null) {
                // error message from api
            } else if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause().getMessage() != null) {