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Running a tournament with UCSD Sheets

Alejandro edited this page Feb 27, 2021 · 5 revisions

Running the tournament (UCSD Sheets)

  1. Follow the instructions for creating the UCSD scoresheets
  2. Create your tournament server
  3. Invite the bot by clicking on this link
  4. Add a role for the bot that gives it the following permissions:
    • Read Text Channels & See Voice Messages
    • Embed Links
    • Send Messages
    • Mute Members
  5. Create a reader role for readers. If you create multiple reader roles, then they should begin with a common prefix.
  6. Have the server admin run !setReaderRolePrefix *prefix*. For example, if the reader role is Reader, we would run !setReaderRolePrefix Reader.
  7. Create the team roles. The roles must have a prefix in common, like Team A, Team B, etc.
  8. Have the server admin run !setTeamRolePrefix *prefix*. For example, if our teams are Team A, Team B, we would run !setTeamRolePrefix Team
  9. Assign players to these team roles
  10. Once everyone has joined, have the server admin run !setRostersForUCSD *URL_to_control_sheet*. For example, if was the link to your Control Room sheet, then run !setRostersForUCSD
  11. If you are using bonuses, have the server admin run !enableBonusesByDefault. This makes every game use bonuses in the server.
  12. For each game
    1. The reader types in !read to make the bot start scorekeeping
    2. Follow the instructions in Gameplay to keep score
    3. When you are ready to create the scoresheet, run !exportToUCSD *URL_to_scoresheet* *round_number*. The bot will try to update the scoresheet, and tell you if it was successful.


The scoresheet has the following limitations:

  • It will only track up to 28 tossups, and only 24 bonuses. It will currently fail to export if you have read more than 28 questions.
    • You can !undo until you get to tossup 28, then export it.
  • It will only work for up to 2 teams.
  • It will only work as long as each team has 6 players or less.
  • Users and servers have a daily export limit. At the time of this writing, users can export 50 scoresheets a day, and 1000 scoresheets can be exported from a server.