A simple example of deploying machine learning/deep learning applications.
In this example,
- A PyTorch-based object detector is built
- Served using Flask Endpoints
- The tasks are queued and called asynchronous with Celery
- The Job history and the results are saved in MongoDB
- Deployed using Docker and Docker-Compose
- Docker
- docker-compose
- nvidia-docker2
Build the docker image:
docker-compose build
Start and attach to the docker-compose services:
docker-compose up
Start a Job :
POST /api/v1/jobs
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url":"http://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/cars/car2.jpg"}'
{ "id": "60ad59866dc08443a331a030", "result": [], "source": "http://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/cars/car2.jpg", "state": "Initialized", "time_created": "2021-05-25 20:09:42.542180" }
Get all Jobs :
GET /api/v1/jobs
curl -X GET
[ { "id": "60ac55a79d86cb024078a112", "result": [ { "box": { "x1": 0.04, "x2": 0.54, "y1": 0.55, "y2": 0.96 }, "label": "cat", "score": 0.91 }, { "box": { "x1": 0.62, "x2": 0.82, "y1": 0.65, "y2": 0.99 }, "label": "person", "score": 0.8 }, { "box": { "x1": 0.09, "x2": 0.14, "y1": 0.14, "y2": 0.28 }, "label": "person", "score": 0.8 }, { "box": { "x1": 0.8, "x2": 0.95, "y1": 0.59, "y2": 0.99 }, "label": "person", "score": 0.8 }, { "box": { "x1": 0.14, "x2": 0.45, "y1": 0.16, "y2": 0.4 }, "label": "car", "score": 0.72 }, { "box": { "x1": 0.43, "x2": 0.52, "y1": 0.16, "y2": 0.25 }, "label": "truck", "score": 0.65 }, { "box": { "x1": 0.34, "x2": 0.38, "y1": 0.14, "y2": 0.23 }, "label": "person", "score": 0.65 }, { "box": { "x1": 0.3, "x2": 0.34, "y1": 0.15, "y2": 0.22 }, "label": "person", "score": 0.62 }, { "box": { "x1": 0.36, "x2": 0.43, "y1": 0.16, "y2": 0.24 }, "label": "car", "score": 0.57 } ], "source": "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yuodfZa6gyM/XlbQfiAzbzI/AAAAAAAAFYA/QSTnuZksQII2PaRON2mqHntZBHL-saniACLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Figure1.png", "state": "Done", "time_created": "2021-05-25 01:40:55.027000" }, { "id": "60ad59866dc08443a331a030", "result": [ { "box": { "x1": 0.19, "x2": 0.73, "y1": 0.48, "y2": 0.89 }, "label": "car", "score": 0.88 }, { "box": { "x1": 0.58, "x2": 0.62, "y1": 0.52, "y2": 0.59 }, "label": "person", "score": 0.73 } ], "source": "http://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/cars/car2.jpg", "state": "Done", "time_created": "2021-05-25 20:09:42.542000" } ]
Get a single Job :
GET /api/v1/jobs/<job_id>
curl -X GET
{ "id": "60ad59866dc08443a331a030", "result": [ { "box": { "x1": 0.19, "x2": 0.73, "y1": 0.48, "y2": 0.89 }, "label": "car", "score": 0.88 }, { "box": { "x1": 0.58, "x2": 0.62, "y1": 0.52, "y2": 0.59 }, "label": "person", "score": 0.73 } ], "source": "http://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/cars/car2.jpg", "state": "Done", "time_created": "2021-05-25 20:09:42.542000" }