- using symfony as a framework, allow for the following USER features
- sign up w/Email
- sign in
- sign out
- reset/forget password, by sending user an email.
- Use Bootstrap 5.3.1 (as of 2023-07-31)
- Uses EasyAdmin controller, to manage:
- USER entries
- Using bootstrap 5.3.1 (as of 2023-07-31)
- Nav menu
- Logged in, you see one set of menus
- As an admin, you see additional menus
- Logged out
- you can reset password
- you can sign up (disable, by removing entries to the registration route)
- Logged in, you see one set of menus
- EasyAdmin::UserCrudController
- User CRUD crontroller
- needs to detail view
- manage roles
- Only Super User, and revoke and appoint admins
- Other Admins are not able to do so (avoid chaos, rogue)
- Extend to manage roles
- SuperUser can add/remove admins
- invite new user. Trigger a new user's email invite.
- RESET password from ADMIN, will get user to reset email.
- SuperUser can add/remove admins
- User CRUD crontroller
- Mysql
- PHP 8.2
- Symfony 6.4-dev
- DB setup, MYSQL required.
$> php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
$> php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
- Manual:
$> php bin/console messenger:consume async
- Cronjob
- OR alternatively see: https://symfony.com/doc/current/messenger.html#supervisor-configuration
# every minute -- cron will not start a new instance until this one closes
* * * * * php bin/console messenger:consume async
# Remove expired password requests
@daily php bin/console reset-password:remove-expired