Manuals Frontend is retired and all manuals are now being rendered by Government Frontend
Front-end app for the manuals format on GOV.UK
- Manuals – documents published using Manuals Publisher.
- HMRC Manuals – Manuals published by HMRC and populated via HMRC Manuals API.
- Sections - individual sub-pages of a Manual or HMRC Manual.
- Manual:
- Manual Section:
- HMRC Manual:
- HMRC Manual Section:
This is a Ruby on Rails app, and should follow our Rails app conventions.
You can use the GOV.UK Docker environment or the local
script to run the app. Read the guidance on local frontend development to find out more about each approach, before you get started.
If you are using GOV.UK Docker, remember to combine it with the commands that follow. See the GOV.UK Docker usage instructions for examples.
bundle exec rake