In this project, ınstruction numbers from a c program are counted with pin and c++.
The Output:
Total Count (Task1) 721299
Branch Count: 68083
Memory Count: 340091
Arithmetic Count: 313125
Freqquency Of RAX 1498
Freqquency Of RBX 388
Freqquency Of RCX 477
Freqquency Of RDX 713
Freqquency Of RSI 556
Freqquency Of RDI 681
Freqquency Of RSP 2403
Freqquency Of RBP 308
Freqquency Of R8 156
Freqquency Of R9 115
Freqquency Of R10 162
Freqquency Of R11 70
Freqquency Of R12 235
Freqquency Of R13 188
Freqquency Of R14 188
Freqquency Of R15 153
General Explanation:
Firstly, I downloaded matmul.c, matmul.h and files from the link. After that I downloaded the pin that a binary instrumentation tool. I customized some settings for pin with the following lines:
set env INTEL_JIT_PROFILER32 /ia32/bin/
set env INTEL_JIT_PROFILER64 /intel64/bin/
make all TARGET=intel64
Then, I opened new folder in pin/source/tools folder and run the c code in this folder. Also I put my cpp codes for pin instrumentation in this folder. After I run the matmul code , I used the output file to count instructions.
TASK -1:
In task 1, the total number of instructions were wanted. Therefore, I used a manual example from pin files which is inscount0.cpp. I used to following methods to calculate total numbers of instructions.
VOID dototalcount() { total++; }
This method just changing the number of total variable.
INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)dototalcount, IARG_END);
This method calls instructions and dototalcount method.
Also, PIN is a CISC architecture but it tries to use advantages of RISC architecture.
In this task, the number of instructions wanted according to their types. I just used if conditions to find memory and branch instructions like following lines:
if (INS_IsBranch(ins)) {
INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)dobranchcount, IARG_END);
for (UINT32 memOp = 0; memOp < memOperands; memOp++)
if (INS_MemoryOperandIsWritten(ins,memOp) || INS_MemoryOperandIsRead(ins,memOp)) {
INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)domemcount, IARG_END);
However, in the memory instructions I checked if an instruction is written to memory or read from memory. If it is one of them I changed counter by 1.
Also, to calculate the arithmetic instructions I used this formula:
In this task the frequencies of usage of register in pin were asked. I just used again if conditions to calculate this for each register with different counters(c,c1,c2,c3,…….).
if (INS_RegWContain(ins,REG_RBX)) {