This repository attempts to translate the below Arduino project to an RPi compatible burner.
v1 Tag of this software is now confirmed working. There is no reason the b1.1beta tag shouldn't work.
But decision is yours if you want to be on the safe side.
Burn E-fuses to permanently change device address on Sharp GP2Y0E02B and GP2Y0E03 sensors.
Use whitout proper care may render the sensor USELESS.
E-Fuses can be burned only ONCE. The worst thing that
can happen is that your sensor can get the slave-ID 0x00,
and you can only have one of those!
Don't try to give your sensor the slave-ID 0xF0, the
sensor won't work with that slave-ID.
Don't apply more than 3.3V to any of the sensors pads.
Version 1
This program is for E-Fuse programming
on Sharp GP2Y0E02B, GP2Y0E03
The code is written to be excecuted by
an Arduino Due but can easily be ported
to any device. Just remember that the sensor
expects 3.3V.
The program makes use of the I2C-scanner found at
though a bit modified to be able to find the address 0x00.
According to the application notes
you should be able to verify that everything went well
in the burn. How ever, it didn't work out for
me. You find my code for that commented out in
the end of the EFuseSlaveID function.
The program can be tested by simply not
connecting the Vpp pin to the pad. The program
will run but no fuse will be burned.
The same way you can test your sensors address
after burning e-fuses. Just don't try to burn
e-fuses again on the same sensor!
1. Set desired address as SETADDR (preprocessor directive), Table 14 in application notes (don't use 0xF0!).
2. Save the file.
3. Program your board.
4. Connect your sensor to the I2C bus.
5. Open up the serial monitor in Arduino IDE.
(Optional: by pushing the reset button, run the program once without Vpp connected. Expected address to be found is 0x04 (0x80 bitshifted by one right). If thats not the case the fuses of this sensor may already be burned).
6. Connect the Vpp pad in some way. (Solder a jumper or secure a jumper with isolated calipers). Make sure it's fed nothing more than 3.3V
7. Run the program ONCE by pushing the reset button on the arduino.
8. Disconnect the Vpp pin (the one connected in step 6).
9. With the Vpp pin disconnected, run the program once again by pushing the reset button.
10. Note the address found in the scan. The address should correspond to the address given in SETADDR bitshifted one to the right.
11. Give me feedback.
Martin Pålsson 2016