I'm a software engineer with a background in physics and mathematics. I was first introduced to coding in my undergraduate computational physics courses at SJSU and discovered a love for programming to build practical and useful solutions to problems. I've delved into a diverse set of languages including Python, JavaScript, C++ and MATLAB. I studied physics and mathematics at SJSU and I studied computer science and software engineering principles at Los Angeles Valley College and App Academy. I'm always open to collaboration on innovative and challenging projects. Feel free to reach out and get in touch with me!
- ⚾ I’m currently learning React Native to create a mobile app version of my Slash Line Baseball web app.
- 💡 I’m looking to collaborate on any fun project where I can apply my existing knowledge and skills as well as develop and learn new ones!
- 💬 Ask me about physics! Or baseball :)
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him/his
- ❗ Fun fact: A player once pitched a no-hitter while high on LSD