The UserToken and ApplicationToken generator and security session manager for the Whydah system
If you are planning on integrating, you might want to run SecurityTokenService in DEV mode. This shortcuts the authentication. You can manually control the UserTokens for the different test-users you want, by creating a file named t_.token which consists of the XML representation of the access roles++ you want the spesific user to expose to the integrated application. One example is provided in and is served if you in DEV mode try to log in with
// Execute a POST to authenticate my application
String appToken = Request.Post("")
.bodyForm(Form.form().add("applicationcredential", myAppCredential).build())
// authenticate with username and password (user credential)
String usertoken = Request.Post(""+appTokenID+"/"+new UserTicket(UUID.randomUUID()).toString()+"/usertoken/")
.bodyForm(Form.form().add("apptoken", appToken)
.add("usercredential", new UserCredential(username,password).asXML()).build())
// Execute a POST to SecurityTokenService with userticket to get usertoken
String usertoken = Request.Post(""+appTokenID+"/get_usertoken_by_userticket/")
.bodyForm(Form.form().add("apptoken", appToken)
.add("userticket", userTicket).build())
// That's all you need to get a full user database, IAM/SSO, Facebook/OAUTH support ++
boolean hasEmployeeRoleInMyApp = $(usertoken).xpath("/usertoken/application[@ID="+myAppId+"]/role[@name=\"Employee\"");
(Example using Apache HTTP Components Fluent API and jOOX Fluent API)
- create a user for the service, typically SecurityTokenService
- create
if [[ $V == *SNAPSHOT* ]]; then
echo Note: If the artifact version contains "SNAPSHOT" - the artifact latest greates snapshot is downloaded, Irrelevent of version number!!!
version=`curl -s "$path/maven-metadata.xml" | grep "<version>" | sed "s/.*<version>\([^<]*\)<\/version>.*/\1/" | tail -n 1`
echo "Version $version"
build=`curl -s "$path/$version/maven-metadata.xml" | grep '<value>' | head -1 | sed "s/.*<value>\([^<]*\)<\/value>.*/\1/"`
else #A specific Release version
# Download
echo Downloading $url
wget -O $JARFILE -q -N $url
#Create symlink or replace existing sym link
if [ -h $A.jar ]; then
unlink $A.jar
ln -s $JARFILE $A.jar
- create
# Normal operations
# Temporary provisioning of applications secret in wait for UAS/UIB support
- create
nohup /usr/bin/java -DIAM_MODE=PROD -Dhazelcast.config=hazelcast.xml -DIAM_CONFIG=/home/SecurityTokenService/ -jar /home/SecurityTokenService/SecurityTokenService.jar
Verify instance: [http://localhost:9998/tokenservice/application.wadl]
If you have enabled test-page in the properties, you can run and verify the key services from the testpage application (testpage=enabled) [http://localhost:9998/tokenservice/]
From the installation script above, we see that IAM_MODE is required. Set it according to your intallation.
Create (Or and configure as you find suitable for your needs.
Property | Example values PROD | Comment |
myuri | | The URI to this instance of STS |
service.port | 9998 | Port for this service |
useridentitybackend | http://myservice/uib/ | URL to useridentitybackend |
testpage | disabled | Whether or not to enable the testpage. The url is printed when you start the service with it enabled. |
logourl | | A logo to display for the kicks of it |
The whole point of true SSO is to have all business applications on board, not only some of them. Therefore Whydah is designed for easy peasy integration so all developers relatively easily can do it. As a 3rd party app developer, you can do as follows to develop and test your integration locally:
- Download and configure STS in DEV-mode
- Create usertoken files for the different roles you have in your application. Remember t_ in front of filename and .token ** Read more about user tokens here
- Run STS in DEV-mode locally, different usernames will give you different "stubbed" usertokens, password check is omitted.
- Learn the login flow using the testpage.
- Build your integration.
Note: If you don't want to create your own login screen, you can use the configurable login user interface provided with SSOLoginWebApplication. In that case, you'll need to download and set up that application as well to talk with your STS.
The testpage is accessible at myuri if it is enabled. You will normally find at at [http://localhost:9998/tokenservice/] if you run locally.
It is useful to test that application logon and user logon actually works. In TEST mode, it helps you run integration tests to verify that UIB works as expected. In DEV mode, it allow you to test your created *.token files, used to stub away the rest of the stack.
You may change the input before trying to log on to see the usertoken for different users.
Using Apache in front is only necessary if you set up the Whole stack - typically PROD or TEST Also note that you will prbably not want to run the entire stack on one server. UIB should typically be behind a tight firewall.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAlias myserver
ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass /sso http://localhost:9997/sso
ProxyPass /uib http://localhost:9995/uib
ProxyPass /tokenservice http://localhost:9998/tokenservice
ProxyPass /useradmin http://localhost:9996/useradmin
ProxyPass /test http://localhost:9990/test/
If you are planning on integrating, you might want to run SecurityTokenService in DEV mode. This shortcuts the authentication. You can manually control the UserTokens for the different test-users you want, by creating a file named t_.token which consists of the XML representation of the access roles++ you want the spesific user to expose to the integrated application.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.