A simple header-only C library for logging
#include "log.h"
int main(void) {
// Goes to stdout
log_info("An info logging message"); // [ INFO] - An info logging message
log_warn("A warn logging message"); // [ WARN] - A warn logging message
log_debug("A debug logging message"); // [DEBUG] - A debug logging message
// Goes to stderr
log_error("An error logging message"); // [ERROR] - An error logging message
return 0;
Same with log_{info,warn,debug,error}_with_time
to include the timestamp too.
is a fairly simple logging library in C, to easily get started with clean
and structured logging messages, rather than relying on the standard printf
et al.
This library does not bring anything new to the table, as is not intended to do so, this is just a simple library that I found useful when creating new (toy) C projects, so please bear that in mind.