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API for store inventory and sales management


$ pnpm install

Create database

$ docker compose up -d

Generate Prisma Client

$ pnpm run db:generate

Run Database Migrations

# development
$ pnpm run db:migrate

# production
$ pnpm run db:deploy

Run Prisma Seed

$ pnpm run db:seed

Running the app

# development
$ pnpm run start

# watch mode
$ pnpm run start:dev

# production mode
$ pnpm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ pnpm run test

# e2e tests
$ pnpm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ pnpm run test:cov



  • It should be able to authenticate using e-mail & password;
  • It should be able to change the password;


  • It should be able to create a new product;
  • It should be able to list all products;
  • It should be able to show the product;
  • It should be able to update the product;
  • It should be able to delete the product;
  • It should be able to apply discounts to the product;


  • It should be able to create a new client;
  • It should be able to list all clients;
  • It should be able to show the client;
  • It should be able to update the client;
  • It should be able to delete the client;


  • It should be able to create a new order;
  • It should be able to list all orders;
  • It should be able to show the order;
  • It should be able to update the order;
  • It should be able to delete the order;
  • It should be able to set the order status like processing, sent, delivered;
  • It should be able to list all orders by status;
  • It should be able to list all orders with the status for the client;
  • It should be able to notificate the client about the order status;


  • It should be able to add a product to the cart;
  • It should be able to finish the cart and create an order;


Roles & permissions.


  • Admin
  • Vendor

Permissions table

Administrator Vendor
Create product
Get product
Update a product
Delete a product
Apply discounts
Create client
Get client
Update a client
Delete a client
Create order
Get order
Update a order
Delete a order
Update order status ⚠️
Update user password

✅ = allowed ❌ = not allowed ⚠️ = allowed w/ conditions


  • Only author of the order can update the status.
