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Unofficial CLI allowing to interact with


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docker run --volume ${pwd}/handelsregister-cli-storage:/app/storage amacado/handelsregister-cli:latest --help


This is an unofficial CLI allowing to interact with as an alternative approach to the python CLI provided by

The Handelsregister is a publicly accessible directory that records information on registered merchants in a specific region within the framework of registration law. Entries are mandatory for the facts or legal relationships listed exhaustively in the HGB, AktG and GmbHG. In addition, other facts can also be entered if this serves the purpose of the commercial register and there is a significant interest of legal transactions in their entry.

Access to the commercial register and the documents deposited there is permitted to anyone for information purposes in accordance with § 9 Abs. 1 HGB1.


With reference to the terms of use2, a limit of 60 requests per hour applies, which can be penalized if exceeded. The use of this tool is at your own risk and the authors distance themselves from any misuse of the service.

[...] 5.) Es ist unzulässig, mehr als 60 Suchen oder Aufrufe von Rechtsträgern pro Stunde im Registerportal vorzunehmen. Kann das berechtigte Erfordernis für eine höhere Abrufhäufigkeit nachgewiesen werden, besteht die Möglichkeit, bei der Servicestelle Registerportal beim AG Hagen einen Antrag auf einen Zugang mit einer registrierten IP-Adresse nach Ziffer 7) zu stellen. [...]

7.) Bei der Servicestelle Registerportal kann beantragt werden, eine IP-Adresse zur Nutzung des Registerportals zu registrieren, für die die Regel nach Ziffer 5) Satz 1 nicht gilt (Whitelist-IP). In dem Antrag muss angegeben werden, in welchem Umfang Informationen aus dem Registerportal abgerufen werden und zu welchen Zwecken diese Abrufe erfolgen. Die Antragstellerin/ der Antragsteller muss sich verpflichten, die Vorgaben aus der Nutzungsordnung einzuhalten. Falls sich Anhaltspunkte ergeben, dass eine Nutzerin/Nutzer mit ihren/seinen Abrufen oder Suchen in einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt gegen § 9 Abs. 1 S. 1 HGB verstößt, muss gegenüber der Servicestelle das Interesse an der übermäßigen Nutzung des Services nachgewiesen werden können. Kann ein Nachweis nicht erbracht werden, kann die Registrierung widerrufen werden. [...]


The CLI and source code is published under Apache License 2.0 (see


The CLI must be executed using php this can be achieved either by locally installing php3 or using the provided Docker Container. For readability the following examples are based on the standalone version.

Parameters and examples

See a full list of all parameters and options by passing --help as option to the CLI.

php handelsregister-cli --help
  handelsregister-cli [options] [--] [<language> [<download>]]

  language                                     Language which is used for interaction with `Handelsregister`. [default: "DE"]
  download                                     Select which file type you want to download (AD|CD|HD|SI). [default: "AD"] 

      --state[=STATE]                          Select zero, one or more federal states to search in. If none are passed, the search will not be limited to a specific state. Valid codes are based on iso:code:3166:DE. (multiple values allowed)
      --keywords[=KEYWORDS]                    Search for company or keywords.
      --keywords-option[=KEYWORDS-OPTION]      Select an option how `keywords` are treated; One of (all|any|exact). [default: "any"]
      --keywords-match-similar                 If flag is set, similar matching keywords will be included in results.
      --subsidiary-office[=SUBSIDIARY-OFFICE]  Subsidiary / registered office.
      --include-deleted                        If flag is set, search results will also include deleted companies.
      --only-branches                          If flag is set, search only for branches in accordance with new law.
      --register-type[=REGISTER-TYPE]          Type of register.
      --register-number[=REGISTER-NUMBER]      Company register number.
      --register-court[=REGISTER-COURT]        Register court.
      --legal-status[=LEGAL-STATUS]            Company legal status (input value is language-dependent).
      --country[=COUNTRY]                      Country where the company is located (input value is language-dependent).
      --postal-code[=POSTAL-CODE]              Postal code where the company is located.
      --location[=LOCATION]                    Location/City where the company is located.

Perform a search with a selected court, register type and number (Deutsche Bahn AG):

php handelsregister-cli --register-type=HRB --register-number=50000 --register-court='Berlin (Charlottenburg)'

Perform a search with a selected court, register type and number (Deutsche Bahn AG) and download the structured xml data (SI):

php handelsregister-cli DE SI --register-type=HRB --register-number=50000 --register-court='Berlin (Charlottenburg)'

Perform a search in multiple federal states (BW Baden-Württemberg, NI Niedersachsen):

php handelsregister-cli --state=BW --state=NI

Docker Container (Quickstart) image

Replace ${pwd}/handelsregister-cli-storage with a local path on your hostsystem where the downloaded files, logs and screenshots will be stored. Pass any additional parameters like --help at the end:

docker run --volume ${pwd}/handelsregister-cli-storage:/app/storage amacado/handelsregister-cli:latest [--help]

Standalone CLI


  • "php": "^8.2.0"
  • php extension curl
  • php extension fileinfo
  • php extension zip


Standalone CLI is a prototype and not yet fully functional. Usage of the Docker container (quickstart) is recommended.


Getting started

We use Docker to ship a build and development environment to get you started:

docker compose up [--build] [-d]

Connect to the development which allows you to interact with the cli:

docker exec -it handelsregister-cli-development /bin/bash
php ./handelsregister-cli -v

Build production docker container

docker build -f .\docker\production\Dockerfile . -t amacado/handelsregister-cli:latest

Build a standalone application

See for more details:

php ./handelsregister-cli app:build

Work in progress / ideas / TODO / bugs

GitHub issues are used to track features, ideas and bugs. Feel free to contribute via pull request or issue creation with bug reports and feature requests.


  1. (2024-10-04)

  2. | Auszug aus Nutzungsbedingungen (2024-10-04)



Unofficial CLI allowing to interact with








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