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OpenBus Governance Extension

Generate RSA keypair to authenticate in OpenBus

You must have the OpenSSL 1.0.0 or greater to proceed next steps.

  1. Create a 2048 bit RSA private key:
openssl genrsa 2048 > tmp.key
  1. Encapsulate the private key using PKCS8 with no encryption (OpenBus SDK Lua demands this):
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in tmp.key -inform DER -out governance.key -outform DER
  1. Generate a public key encoded as X509 certificate:
openssl req -new -x509 -key governance.key -keyform DER -out governance.crt -outform DER
  1. Remove the temporary RSA key file:
rm -f tmp.key

Configuring the OpenBus to allow authentication using the new keypair

In order to execute these steps you must have the OpenBus already running.

  1. Use the BusAdmin utility or BusExplorer utility to fullfil the governance data as following.
  2. Define an entity name to use in service authentications, by default use GovernanceExtensionService.
  3. Associate the governance.crt (created in previous section) to this new entity name.
  4. Add all the following interfaces:
  1. Grant authorizations for these interfaces to the service entity name that you picked.

Now the service is granted to offer that interfaces in an OpenBus instance. See test/service.adm to alternate way to fullfil this using busadmin console and busadmdesc.lua script.

Running the service

In order to execute the service you must have the OpenBus already running.

  1. Download OpenBus SDK Lua
  2. Create a directory and extract that package on it, example: /tmp/sdklua
  3. Clone this repository somewhere, example: git clone /tmp/governance
  4. Execute the script etc/ overriding OPENBUS_SDKLUA_HOME system variable like this:
export OPENBUS_SDKLUA_HOME=/tmp/sdklua
cd /tmp/governance
bash etc/
  1. Check if you got a message (at stdout or logfile) like this:
13/04/2017 21:24:56 [uptime]    Governance Extension Service 1.0.0 started successfully

Default configuration will use OpenBus at localhost:2089 and it'll register a service as GovernanceExtensionService (default service name declared in idl/governance-extension.idl)

Changing execution configuration

  1. See default properties at config/governance.cfg
  2. Put something different on it and try execute it again ( uses this configuration file by default)

Running basic tests

In order to execute the tests you must have the OpenBus already running.

  1. Download OpenBus SDK Lua
  2. Create a directory and extract that package on it, example: /tmp/sdklua
  3. Clone this repository somewhere, example: git clone /tmp/governance
  4. Execute test/ and test/ from your clone directory overriding OPENBUS_SDKLUA_HOME and OPENBUS_IDLPATH system variables like this:
export OPENBUS_SDKLUA_HOME=/tmp/sdklua
cd /tmp/governance/test
bash test.db

It'll use a OpenBus instance at localhost:2089 and it'll search for GovernanceExtensionService (default service name declared in idl/governance-extension.idl)

You'll get a report about the test completion like this:

OpenBus Governance Extension Suite ... 
  OpenBus Governance Extension Suite.ContractRegistry ... 
    OpenBus Governance Extension Suite.ContractRegistry.setup ... OK (2.00 sec.)
    OpenBus Governance Extension Suite.ContractRegistry ... 
      OpenBus Governance Extension Suite.ContractRegistry.AddContract ... OK (0.00 sec.)
    OK (0.00 sec.)
    OpenBus Governance Extension Suite.ContractRegistry.teardown ... OK (0.00 sec.)
  OK (2.00 sec.)
OK (2.00 sec.)
Success Rate: 100% (3 of 3 executions)

Changing test configuration

  1. Create a file at the same directory where you're executing the tests
  2. Put on there your specific configuration, check test/openbus/test/configs.lua for more details. Example: = localhost = 6669 = chuck
user.password = norris

These configurations depend how the OpenBus instance is configured (password validators, authentication domains, etc).

Shutting down the service nicely

  1. Execute test/shutdown.lua using the same governance.cfg used to execute the service:
cd /tmp/governance
/tmp/sdklua/bin/busconsole test/shutdown.lua config/governance.cfg

In this example, shutdown script will use the same entity and same private key used to execute the service itself. The service only accepts calls from the same entity name or from the special OpenBus entity (some cases the OpenBus administrator could use this special entity to shut down services).


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