Simple ASP.NET App using the Kestrel Web Server
When on MacOS I build a distro for Linux using:
dotnet publish -o dist/ -r linux-x64 platform6-service.csproj
I zip the folder and transfer to the p6core instance and expand into:
- /opt/
Also need to copy the javascript bundle to:
- /opt/
I start with a
script in /opt/
#set -x
export UI_BUNDLE_PATH=./wwwroot/ServiceConfiguration.bundle.js
nohup ./dist/platform6-service --urls="" > p6service.log &
def cm = [
headers: [
'': 'bitcoin',
'': 'price'
def cmResponse = p6.service.request("", cm)
println cmResponse
- the P6 Proxy URL and EXTERNAL_URL value is hardcoded in the ServiceConfiguration.bundle.js
You must keep the Hazelcast version compatibe with p6core (currently: 3.21.x)