RocketLaunch is a full stack application created with MongoDB, Express, React, Node, and GraphQL that can be utilized to search for and watch rocket launches.
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- Copy the clone link of the repository from GitHub.
- Open Bash or Terminal Window.
- When the console opens, navigate to the directory the repository will be added to. Remember to use the command cd to change directories.
- In the console, type the command git clone and paste the link to repository.
- Open repository in preferred code editor.
- Open terminal in code editor.
- Type in terminal npm i or npm install to install dependency packages needed.
- Once all dependencies have been installed, run npm run develop to run the front and back end of the application.
- Click on the Login/Signup button to gain access to the site.
- Once logged in, the dashboard page will be presented. This is where the saved launches will be stored for later view.
- Click on the search on the navigation bar to direct to the search page where launches can be searched.
- Once the search criteria has been entered, the results will populate. Click on the save button to save launch to dashboard page.