To run the project, you will need Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine.
You can install them from the following links:
- Docker:
- Docker Compose:
After you have installed Docker (and Docker Compose), go to the autocomplete_server
folder from terminal.
Once inside the folder, run the following command:
docker-compose up
- Note: You will need to wait a bit until the database and the server are set up
(If you see
Server listening
andConnected to DB
in the log in the terminal, you can proceed to the next steps)
Open a separate terminal window and run the following command:
(Note: you need to be inside the autocomplete_server
docker-compose exec mysql bash
Now, to test that the autocomplete API works, you can make HTTP POST requests in a separate terminal window. To do so, run the following command:
curl -d "q=Pa" http://localhost:3000
- Note: you can change
query to some other string