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Defining the schema

amberpan edited this page May 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

GraphQL works with schema definitions to serve client requests. Theses schemas have to be defined in files with extenstions .graphqls and can be present anywhere on the classpath. Spring boot automatically locates these schema files.

Type Schema

GraphQL queries work on schemas for an API. For example, below schema represents Employee model.

type Employee {
    employeeId: Int!
    firstName: String
    address: Address

Here, employeeId, firstName and address represents fields defined in Employee model. Address is a composite field which represents another type.

type Address{
    city: String
    state: String
    country: String
    zip: Int!

"!" means the field is required.


Queries are like the REST endpoints which cater user requests. However, GraphQL typically exposes only one endpoint http://<host>:<port>/graphql. Client has to send more data(query) in body/query parameters for what it needs. Sample query configurations:

type Query{
    employee(employeeId: Int): Employee
    city(city: String): Address

Here, employee is query name which accepts integer employeeId and returns Employee object. Same can be tested with below input in API call

    employee(employeeId: 1){

Above query returns employee with ID=1 with only selected elements to client i.e. employeeId and city from address. Sample response:

    "data": {
        "employee": {
            "employeeId": 1,
            "address": {
                "city": "ABC"


GraphQL also provides a way to modify data through Mutations. For example, below mutation allows user to add new employee to database/collection.

type Mutation{
    addEmployee(employeeId: Int!, firstName: String!, lastName: String!, department: String): Employee

Overall, with reference to above configuration, final schema file should look like

#Schema definition to map query and mutation to respective definitions.
schema {
    query: Query
    mutation: Mutation

type Employee {
    employeeId: Int!
    firstName: String
    lastName: String
    department: String
    address: Address

type Address{
    city: String
    state: String
    country: String
    zip: Int!

type Query{
    employee(employeeId: Int): Employee
    employeeByFirstName(firstName: String): [Employee]
    city(city: String): Address

type Mutation{
    addEmployee(employeeId: Int!, firstName: String!, lastName: String!, department: String): Employee
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