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Recaptcha with Turbo and Stimulus

Dong Liu edited this page Oct 15, 2023 · 7 revisions

If you would like to make Recaptcha work with Turbo and Stimulus, you'll have to perform some additional steps.

Step 0: Obtain Recaptcha keys

You'll need keys for both Recaptcha v3 and v2 so go ahead and grab those if you haven't already done so.

Step 1: Display Recaptcha v3 in your form

By default we'll use Recaptcha v3. It must be wrapped in a turbo frame (please note that your form can also be wrapped):

<%= turbo_frame_tag user, target: '_top' do %>
  <%= form_with model: user do |f| %>
    <!-- your form fields here... -->

    <%= turbo_frame_tag 'recaptcha' do %>
      <div class="mb-3 row">
        <%= recaptcha_v3 action: 'signup', site_key: ENV['RECAPTCHA_KEY_V3'], turbolinks: true %>
    <% end %>
    <%= f.submit 'Submit' %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Notice the usage of the turbolinks option which is mandatory in this setup.

Step 2: Verify Recaptcha v3 in your controller

Now let's perform verification:

def create
  @user = user_params
  @user.validate # this line will validate the user even if Recaptcha failed. This way we will present all potential validation errors right away

  check = verify_recaptcha action: 'signup', minimum_score: 0.7, secret_key: ENV['RECAPTCHA_SECRET_V3']

  if check &&
     # everything is great, you can now let the user in and redirect them somewhere
    render :new # if something goes wrong, we'll re-render the form

Please note that action should be the same as the one provided in the view.

Step 3: Display Recaptcha v2 if v3 check failed

If Recaptcha v3 check failed, we are going to display a regular "I'm not a robot" checkbox using Recaptcha v2. Therefore, create a new view called new.turbo_stream.erb:

<%= turbo_stream.replace 'recaptcha' do %>
  <div class="mb-3 row"
    data-recaptcha-v2-site-key-value="<%= ENV['RECAPTCHA_KEY'] %>"></div>
<% end %>

We are replacing the old recaptcha with a new one. Here you can also re-render the actual form thus displaying validation errors:

<%= turbo_stream.replace dom_id(@user), partial: 'users/form', locals: {user: @user} %>

<%= turbo_stream.replace 'recaptcha' do %>
  <div class="mb-3 row"
    data-recaptcha-v2-site-key-value="<%= ENV['RECAPTCHA_KEY'] %>"></div>
<% end %>

You can also display flash messages here and perform other actions as needed.

At this point we are simply displaying a placeholder for our new captcha. It will be processed by Stimulus in the next step.

Step 4: Use Stimulus to process Recaptcha v2

Now create a new Stimulus controller:

// recaptcha_v2_controller.js

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
  static values = { siteKey: String }

  initialize() {
    grecaptcha.render("recaptchaV2", { sitekey: this.siteKeyValue } )

At this point we actually render a new captcha. Don't forget to properly register your controller inside the index.js file.

Step 5: Validate Recaptcha v2

Now modify your controller:

def create
  @user = user_params

  check = (verify_recaptcha action: 'signup', minimum_score: 0.7, secret_key: ENV['RECAPTCHA_SECRET_V3']) ||
    (verify_recaptcha model: @user, secret_key: ENV['RECAPTCHA_SECRET'])

  if check &&
    # Everything is good
    @user.validate # add any other validation errors
    # @user.validate generates a new errors, so that recaptcha error message cannot be seen.
    @user.errors.add(:base, t('recaptcha.errors.verification_failed')) unless check 
    render :new

What about Devise?

This guide is partially based on this tutorial at which explains how to get Recaptcha working with Devise (the overall approach is the same).