Caffeine provides a few handy tools that are present in most OO languages, exposed through a commonjs module. Its niceties are optimized for CoffeeScript.
caff = require "caffeine"
Caffeine provides the extensible Exception
class that captures stack trace
and succeeeds in instancesof
inheritance checks in most browsers.
class MyException extends caff.Exception
throw new MyException "some message"
catch e
console.log e instanceof Error # 'true'
console.log e instanceof Exception # 'true'
console.log e instanceof MyException # 'true'
Programming errors can lead to precondition violations when executing functions, resulting in hard-to-find bugs. Caffeine provides a simple API for validating preconditions at runtime, allowing the developer to surface these bugs early.
You can append an execption message to use, should the assumption fail.
assume = caff.Assume
assume true, "I should not throw" # okay
assume false, "I expected a true value" # throws caff.AssumptionException
assume.Exists var # throws if 'var' is undefined or null
assume.Equal a, b # throws if a != b
Some simple checks are implented for numbers.
- Num.IsFloat
- Num.IsInt
- Num.IsEven
- Num.IsOdd
Simple unit tests are easy to write as well, and Assertions work similarly to Assumptions.
class MyTest extends caff.TestSuite
TestSomething: () ->
@Assert true
@Assert false, "some message" # I'll throw a caff.TestException
bad = () -> throw new MyException "boo!"
good = () -> console.log "I have a halo"
@AssertThrows MyException, bad # This will pass just fine
@AssertThrows MyException, good # This will fail
new MyTest().Run() # outputs results to console