My name is Achmad Fathullah and I'm a software developer/Mobile Developer Android. I'm from Indonesia, living in Malang, East Java and currently working at Qiscus (Qiscus Pte Ltd)
🔭 I’m currently working on Qiscus (Qiscus Pte Ltd)
🌱 I’m currently learning Android Development with Kotlin, Flutter
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Android Development with Java or Kotiin, Flutter
🤔 I’m looking for help with Data Structure for tech interview purpose
👨💻 All of my projects are available at
💬 Ask me about Android Development
📫 How to reach me
⚡ Fun fact I'm always watch Anime after working hours
Apart from coding, I also maintain a blog - you can find my articles on my website at as well as on
Study material to get the Google Developer Android Kotlin certificate.
Android core
- Android Developers -> Toasts 100%
- Android Developers -> Snackbar 50%
- Android Developers -> Localize your app
- Android Developers -> Application fundamentals
- Android Developers -> Create a notification
- Android Developers -> AndroidX overview
- Android Developers -> Getting started with Jetpack
- Android Developers -> Android KTX (Kotlin)
- Codelabs -> Notifications
- Codelabs -> JobScheduler
- Codelabs -> WorkManager (Kotlin)
User interface
- All about recycler view
- Android Developers -> Build a responsive UI with ConstraintLayout
- Android Developers -> Create a list with RecyclerView
- Android Developers -> Create a navigation drawer
- Android Developers -> Custom view components
- Android Developers -> Build more accessible custom views
- Android Developers -> Styles and themes
- Android Developers -> setContentDescription()
- Android Developers -> Adding accessibility features to apps for blind and visually-impaired users
- Android Tool Time - Building interfaces with ConstraintLayout in AS
- Codelabs -> Activities and intents
- Codelabs -> Your first interactive UI
- Codelabs -> Themes and final touches
- Codelabs -> RecyclerView
- Codelabs -> Menus and pickers
- Codelabs -> User navigation
- Codelabs -> Material Components (Kotlin)
- Codelabs -> Lifecycles
- Codelabs -> Add user interactivity
- Codelabs -> Constraint layout using the Layout Editor
- Codelabs -> RecyclerView fundamentals (Kotlin)
Data management
- Android Developers -> Shared preferences
- Codelabs -> Room, LiveData and ViewModel
- Codelabs -> Repository
- Codelabs -> Drawables, styles, and themes
- Codelabs -> Shared preferences
- Codelabs -> App settings
- Codelabs -> ViewModel and ViewModelFactory
- Codelabs -> Room with a View (Kotlin)
- Android Developers -> Debug your app
- Android Dev Fundamentals -> Write and view logs with Logcat
- Codelabs -> Android Studio debugger
- Codelabs -> Add log statements to your app
- Android Developers -> Fundamentals of testing
- Android Dev Fundamentals -> Automate UI tests
- Codelabs -> Unit tests
- Codelabs -> Android Testing -> Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito
- Codelabs -> Android Testing -> Espresso for UI testing
Study NodeJS Developer RoadMap based on course.
NodeJS Basic
- First Script 10
This section describe how file js can execute by node js . This code contain code that running log on js. See this link
- UI/UX design
- Backend with nodeJS