🖱 Software Engineer ⌨
- Looking for opportunities in Seoul, South Korea!
- Character Animation & Motion Control | Masters degrees - Motion Synthesis, Reinforcement Learning
My research mostly revolved around motion control from generated model with reinforcement learning. However, I keep broadening my perspective beyond my safezone.
I plan to study pose estimation with single rgb videos, simulation, or build application from it in future.
Feel free to contact if you're interested. Any suggestions, toy projects are always a yes :)
- 🎹 I make sheet musics! & play piano in public as a solo performer or a band member.
- ⛸ I skate most of my workout time. | Lv.Beginner(guranteed by Seoul Skating Union)
- 💻 Developing personal websites as full-stack
For prompt responses: contact me via Linkedin
Field | Summary |
Computer Language |
IDE/Editors |
BackEnd |
FrontEnd |
Others |
Graphic Tools |