This project is a multi modules for @Date. The project is a proof of concept for the design part of thesis project "Date-Time Data Type Problem and Vision" published at Kristianstad University.
The project includes the following modules:
- @Date root module (at-date)
- @Date Library (at-date-lib)
- @Date Console Application (at-date-console)
- @Date Web Api (at-date-api)
This library does encode and decode Moment and Period notations using the @Date format.
It provides Models for AtDate, Moment and Period. It also provides a set of functions to encode and decode Moment and Period notations.
It's used by @Date Kotlin Console Application (at-date-console) and @Date Kotlin Web Api (at-date-api).
// Encode AtDate notation into Moment class
val atDate: AtDate = encode("@2019-05-05 { d:1 }@")
println(atDate) // Moment(rangeLevel=Level1, resolutionLevel=Level0, zoneLevel=Level0, accuracy=Start, leapSecondsFlag=0, date=1009, time=null, zone=null, plusLeapSeconds=null, minusLeapSeconds=null)
- Publish it to Maven Central.
- Cover Arithmetic and Logical operations.
- Encode/decode date-time with level or resolution above 15: The code in Kotlin uses a variable of kind ULong which is only 8 bytes long. A different kind of coding should be used, maybe Array of UByte.
- Enhance Unit test in implementation.
This application does encode and decode Moment and Period notations to/from bits representation using c/java/kotlin hexadecimal format.
To use the application, follow these steps:
Clone the repository or download the source code.
Open the project in your preferred Kotlin IDE as Gradle project.
Locate the
file in thecom.amerharb.atdate
package. -
Run the
class. -
Enter the Moment or Period notation or payload (bits representation) to encode or decode.
- if you start with
then the application will encode the notation into payload (bits representation).
> @2019-05-05@ Hex: 0xc007e2 Bin: 0b110000000000011111100010 >
- if you start with
then the application will decode payload into @Date notation.
> 0xc007e2 Notation: @2019-05-05 { d:1 t:0 z:0 a:s l:0-0 }@ >
- if you start with
enter @...@ to encode, 0x... to decode or Q to Quit
Hex: 0xc007e2
Bin: 0b110000000000011111100010
Notation: @2019-05-05 { d:1 t:0 z:0 a:s l:0-0 }@
>@2019-05-05T19:53:00+02:00 {d:1 t:5 a:s l:0-0 z:1}@
Hex: 0xd607e3179c10
Bin: 0b110101100000011111100011000101111001110000010000
Hex: 0xa0
Bin: 0b10100000
>@P+1D { d:1 t:0 l:0-0 }@
Hex: 0x880002
Bin: 0b100010000000000000000010
Notation: @P+1D { d:1 t:0 l:0-0 }@
Notation: @P-tp@
Exiting with status 0
Process finished with exit code 0
- Cover Arithmetic and Logical operations when Lib support it.
Provide endpoints that encode and decode Moment and Period notations to/from hexadecimal or base64.
GET /encode/{notation}
to encode Moment or Period notation to hexadecimal. it returns:
hex: 0x......
base64: ......
GET /encode/@2019-05-05@
hex: 0xc007e2
base64: wAfi
GET /encode/{notation}/hex
to encode Moment or Period notation to hex.
GET /encode/@2019-05-05@/hex
GET /encode/{notation}/base64
to encode Moment or Period notation to base64.
GET /encode/@2019-05-05@/base64
GET /decode/hex/{hex}
to decode hexadecimal to Moment or Period notation.
GET /decode/hex/0xc007e2
@2019-05-05 { d:1 t:0 z:0 a:s l:0-0 }@
GET /decode/base64/{base64}
to decode base64 to Moment or Period notation.
GET /decode/base64/wAfi
@2019-05-05 { d:1 t:0 z:0 a:s l:0-0 }@
- Support binary.
- Add at-date-web module for a web page that demonstrate the design.
This project is licensed under the ISC License.