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Basic spark ada Compiler

Authors :

spark ada grammar used by this compiler :

  • program -> [with_use_clause]* subprogram_body

  • with_use_clause -> (use | with) id [.id]*

  • subprogram_body -> subprogram_specification is [basic_declaration]* begin sequence_statement end [id];

  • subprogram_specification -> procedure id ['(' formal_part ')'] | function id ['(' formal_part ')'] return id

  • formal_part -> parameter_specification [, parameter_specification]*

  • parameter_specification -> id : [in | out] id [:= expression]

  • basic_declaration -> type_declaration | object_number_declaration

  • type_declaration -> type id is (enumeration_type_definition | integer_type_definition | real_type_definition | array_type_definition);

  • enumeration_type_definition ->'(' (id|char) [ , (id|char)]* ')'

  • integer_type_definition -> range T_NUMERIC .. T_NUMERIC | mode expression

  • real_type_definition -> digit T_NUMERIC [range T_NUMERIC .. T_NUMERIC]

(1-D array)

  • array_type_definition ->array '(' id [range (<> | T_NUMERIC .. T_NUMERIC)] ')' of id

  • record_type_definition -> null record; | record component_list end record

  • component_list -> component_item [component_item]* | null ;

  • component_item -> id : id [:= expression]

  • object_number_declaration -> id : (constant | id ) := expression;

  • sequence_statement -> statement {statement}*

  • statement -> simple_statement | compound_statement

  • simple_statement ::= null_statement | procedure_call_or_assign_statement | exit_statement | goto_statement | return_statement

  • null_statement -> null ;

  • exit_statement -> exit [id] [when expression];

  • goto_statement -> goto id;

  • procedure_call_or_assign_statement-> id ('(' params ')' | := expression) ;

  • params -> [id =>] expression {, params}*

  • return_statement -> return [expression] ;

  • compound_statement ::= if_statement | case_statement | loop_statement | block_statement

  • if_statement -> if expression then sequence_statement [elsif expression then sequence_statement]* [else sequence_statement] end if;

  • case_statement -> case expression is case_statement_alt {case_statement_alt}* end case;

  • case_statement_alt -> when (simple_expression | others) => sequence_statement

  • loop_statement -> [(while expression | for id in [reverse] simple_expression .. simple_expression)] loop sequence_statement end loop;

  • block_statement -> [declare (basic_declaration)*] begin sequence_statement end;

  • expression -> relation [(and| or | xor) relation]*

  • relation -> simple_expression [(= | =* | =/ | < | <= | > |>= ) simple_expression | (not | in) T_NUMERIC .. T_NUMERIC ]

  • simple_expression -> [+ | -] term { (+ | - | &) term }*

  • term -> factor {(* | / | mod | rem) factor}*

  • factor -> primary [** primary] | abs primary |not primary

  • primary -> T_NULL | T_STRING | id | T_NUMERIC | '(' expression ')'


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