Elements written with html,css and javascript
This project is written with html,css and Javascript read the contents of the page carefully
- Download from here
sudo apt update
wget https://codeload.github.com/amirdecoder/Elements-Googooli/zip/refs/heads/main
ORgit clone https://github.com/amirdecoder/Elements-Googooli
cd Elements-Googooli
gnome-open index.html
pkg update
git clone https://github.com/amirdecoder/Elements-Googooli
cd Elements-Googooli
open index.html
Amirhossein arabahmadi Im programmer In terms of technology limitations are meaningless to me Programming for me is like a restaurant where I cook myself and I enjoy the taste of food I use my hands to help people And with all my being I want to be useful to the world ❤️ I love you all, Amirdecoder