- Simple research keyboard for Android
- Custom Keyboard
- Emoji Custom Keyboard
- Call API inside Keyboard
- Open Form inside Keyboard
- Support Dark Theme
- AutoText Feature
Version Release
This Is Latest Release
$version_release = 1.0.5
What's New??
* Avaiable in dark mode *
* Enhance Performance *
* Update Build Gradle Style Latest Version *
* Update CRUD Auto Text *
Screen Shoot
How To Activated
Activated Keyboard
Welcome Page (Light) | Activated Keyboard (Light) | After Activated (Light) |
Welcome Page (Dark) | Activated Keyboard (Dark) | After Activated (Dark) |
Change Keyboard
Before Change Keyboard (Light) | Change Keyboard (Light) | After Change Keyboard (Light) |
Before Change Keyboard (Dark) | Change Keyboard (Dark) | After Change Keyboard (Dark) |
Normal Keyboard State
Alphabet Keyboard (Light) | Numeric Keyboard (Light) |
Alphabet Keyboard (Dark) | Numeric Keyboard (Dark) |
Feature Keyboard
Using API
News API (Light) | Movie API (Light) |
News API (Dark) | Movie API (Dark) |
Show Webview | Input Webview |
Show Form (Light) | Input Form (Light) | Hide Keyboard (Light) |
Show Form (Dark) | Input Form (Dark) | Hide Keyboard (Dark) |
Emojis (Light) |
Emojis (Dark) |
Auto Text
Open To Other App
Google Search (Light) | Google Message (Light) | Sign In Google (Light) |
Google Search (Dark) | Google Message (Dark) | Sign In Google (Dark) |
- https://github.com/SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Keyboard
- Clone From This
- https://github.com/anssih/finqwerty
- Keymap app for phones with physical keyboards
- https://github.com/shiftrot/caps2ctrl
- Provides almost all keymaps we need usually
- https://github.com/kolegad/custom-keyboard
- https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/data/keyboards/Generic.kl
- https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/data/keyboards/Generic.kcm
- https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/android/hardware/input/InputManager
- https://source.android.com/devices/input/key-character-map-files
Frogo Library
No. | Github Name / Organization | Github Project |
1. | Muhammad Faisal Amir | frogo-admob |
2. | Muhammad Faisal Amir | frogo-recycler-view |
3. | Frogobox | frogo-sdk |
4. | Frogobox | frogo-ui |
5. | Frogobox | frogo-consume-api |
Very open to anyone, I'll write your name under this, please contribute by sending an email to me
- Mail To faisalamircs@gmail.com
- Subject : Github _ [Github-Username-Account] _ [Language] _ [Repository-Name]
- Example : Github_amirisback_kotlin_admob-helper-implementation
Name Of Contribute
- Muhammad Faisal Amir
- Waiting List
- Waiting List
Waiting for your contribute
Attention !!!
- Please enjoy and don't forget fork and give a star
- Don't Forget Follow My Github Account