Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- The link hasn't been added elsewhere, under a different heading, inside the readme
- The link adheres to the Contributor Code of Conduct
Thank you for your suggestions!
Either use the GitHub online editor tool or clone this repository to your local machine. Always create a new branch and a pull request!
- Try to fit your item into an existing sections. Open a suggestion to start a discussion about any new sections.
- Add a new item to the bottom of the list in a section.
- If a duplicate item exists, discuss why the new item should replace it.
- Check your spelling & grammar.
- The item must follow this format:
- [item name](https link): Description, in a full sentence, beginning with a capital letter, and ending in a period.
Roughly speaking, a source is considered valid if - it could be used by a development team or beginner today on a new Passport project and not lead them astray.
An item is NOT valid if:
- It is an archived GitHub (or other) repository
- It is an outed project that is no longer actively maintained AND it's the type of project that requires maintenance.
An item can still be VALID if:
- It is a heavily used project/article (npm downloads being one metric)
- It is a heavily referenced project/article
A lot of times, making a PR adhere to the standards above can be difficult. If the maintainers notice anything that we'd like changed, we'll ask you to edit your PR before we merge it. There's no need to open a new PR, just edit the existing one. If you're not sure how to do that, here is a guide on the different ways you can update your PR so that we can merge it.