Curated list of all the resources, articles, and code samples about using Gitcoin's Passport and Stamps
Gitcoin Passport: Protect Your Community From Bots and Bad Actors, all without storing your users’ personal information.
- Featured
- Official Docs and Quickstarts
- Samples
- Tutorials
- Stamp Implementations
- Project Showcase
- Contribute
- Introducing Passport - Digital Identity as a Public Good: Introducing Passports and Stamps
- Gitcoin Passport <> Snapshot: Making DAO coordination more secure: Protect your DAO from sybil voting attacks by using Passports with Snapshot and the Quadratic Voting strategy.
- Defend Quadratic Funding Against Sybil Attacks: What are Sybil attacks and how does Passport help you defend your community against them.
- Beginners Guide to Developing with Gitcoin Passports (video)
- Overview of Gitcoin Passport with Kevin Olsen (video)
Stay up to date with the latest information on Passports.
These are the best places to get started working with Passports.
- Official Documentation
- Creating Your Passport
- Passport SDK: Getting Started
- Integrating Passports into your dApp
- Integrating a new Stamp
Resources to help you get started building with Passports.
- Introducing Passport - Digital Identity as a Public Good
- Introducing Passport (YouTube)
- Beginners Guide To Developing With Gitcoin Passport
Interested in getting involved? Join us in Discord and look for the 🛠passport-builders channel.
A list of samples for integrating Passports into an application.
- Score a Passport (Example): Simple, HTML and JavaScript example of how to score a passport using the Scorer API.
- Nexth Starter Kit (Passport Integration): A Next.js + Ethereum starter kit for quickly shipping web3 apps. General starter kit with a sample Passport integration.
- Sybil Form: A fully configurable sybil-resistant form built with Gitcoin Passport, Next.js, Arweave, and EXM.
- Example Nextjs Passport SDK Verifier: Sample Next.js application demonstrating how to use the Passport Verifier.
- Example Passport SDK Reader: A simple React application demonstrating how to work with the Passport SDK Stamp Reader.
- Example Passport SDK Verifier: A simple React application demonstrating how to work with the Passport SDK Stamp Verifier.
- Scaffold Eth: Scaffold-ETH Passport starter and demo codebase for how to use Passport in a React application.
- Passport Checker: Community reference application showing what you can do with Passport and how to integrate it into a Next.js application.
Tutorials and guides for how to work with Passports.
Sample implementations of Stamp Providers. Use these as a reference for implementing your own.
- Google OAuth Stamp
- ENS Stamp
- Proof of Humanity Stamp
- Twitter OAuth Stamp
- POAP Stamp
- Facebook Stamp
- BrightId Stamp
- datalatte's survey dApp gated with Gitcoin Passport: Website | Repo
- Gitcoin Passport Score NFT: Website | Repo
- EthStaker Discord Bot: Website | Repo
- Identity Staking Application: Website | Repo
- Passport Lookup Tool: Website | Repo
- Scaffold-ETH Gitcoin Passport: Website | Repo
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.