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A Kindle Vocabulary to anki flashcards converter.

An open source application designed to facilitate the conversion of Kindle Vocabulary to Anki flashcards, enabling users to effectively study the content they have read on their Kindles. This integration would enable users to effortlessly look up definitions, pronunciation, illustration and sentence examples as they create their flashcards, fostering deeper understanding and more effective learning experiences.

anki chart
Figure 1. Anki card preview

This application allows to read the vocabulary database for a Kindle device, fetch data from an online dictionary and export the result to a TSV file which can be imported into Anki program. Definitions and other information about words will be stored in a dictionary database.

The Kindle Vocabulary Builder is a powerful built-in tool for readers aiming to improve their language skills. While reading on your Kindle, long-press any word you’re uncertain of to reveal a dictionary definition that appears in a pop-up panel. These words are automatically added to your Vocabulary Builder database.

Anki is a powerful, cross-platform flashcard application designed to help you effectively remember information through spaced repetition.

How to use

This program is flexible; besides, you can convert directly the Kindle database to a TSV dictionary using the kindle-to-anki command. It also allows you to split this process into smaller commands. A common scenario is to export vocabulary from Kindle to a TSV file (export-vocabulary) in order to edit the wordlist or add a translation to your specific language. The export-vocabulary command can take a date as an optional argument for limiting the outcome.

It’s possible to add a single word to the user dictionary using the definition command. Since the program prints the definition, it can be used as a makeshift dictionary.

Available Commands
  • export-vocabulary, v: Export kindle vocabulary to a TSV file. By default it will only export vocabulary from the last export.

  • import-tsv, i: Import words from a TSV file, fetch information from dictionary and save to the database. It will import vocabulary from the 'vocab.tsv' file from the configuration folder.

  • export-dictionary, d: Export dictionary to a TSV file for Anki

  • kindle-to-anki, c: Convert words from kindle database to Anki. Shorcut for export-vocabulary, import-tsv and export-vocabulary

  • definition, w: Get a word definition

java -jar kindle2anki.jar

Preparation Before a conversion you need to create configuration directory in ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/kindle2anki and add the api key in Copy the Kindle database to that directory. The database can be found in: [Kindle directory]/system/vocabulary/vocab.db. Install Anki, and check if you have ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/Anki2/User\ 1/ folder. It stores audio and picture files.


Optionally, translation can be added to the dictionary.tsv file. I recommend importing this file to your Google Drive’s Spreadsheet. In the second column, use the GOOGLETRANSLATE formula. Here’s an example of translating English words into Polish:


Save this spreadsheet as a TSV file and replace the existing dictionary.tsv file.

Importing to Anki

Anki’s desktop application requires a template and custom fields for more advance cards. Documentation can be found in Card Templates. To prepare your deck, follow these steps:

  1. go to menu:Tools[Manage Note Types]

  2. click the Add button and create a new notetype

  3. add fields - Anki Manual

  4. go to the Cards window and copy templates and style from templates location in this repository.

  5. import dictionary.tsv by clicking menu:File[Import]

In our case, templates require following fields. Enable html formatting if necessary.

  1. Word

  2. Category

  3. Picture (enable html)

  4. Pronunciation (enable html)

  5. Vocabulary

  6. Translation

  7. Definition

  8. Example (enable html)

fields chart
Figure 2. Fields for Anki template

Conversion will produce dictionary.tsv file which can be import to Anki.

import chart
Figure 3. Importing a tsv dictionary file to anki


AnkiDroid is a free Android application which can use flashcards generated in Anki. There are two options to import cards. The first is to synchronize the desktop app with in order to download flashcards and your progression from your account. It’s also possible to export an "Anki Deck Package" (.apkg) file and import it to the AnkiDroid. In order to do that, click on menu:File[Export], and choose the apkg format, your deck. Select Include media for adding audios and pictures.


User configuration is stored in ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/kindle2anki/`. It’s necessary to provide api.key from Merriam-Webster Dictionary. For confidence, change vocab.db.path of the Kindle database in mounted device or override others properties.

# optional properties
anki.collection.path=${XDG_DATA_HOME}/Anki2/User\ 1/${config.path}

Used technology

Spring Shell This is cross-platform software, you must have installed java 21 or above to run it.


Kindle Vocabulary to anki flashcards converter







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