This repository contains a python wrapper script to perfsonar MadDash API and some integration tools, such as a Zabbix Template for Perfsonar.
Perfsonar Maddash (Monitoring and Debugging Dashboard) aims to collect and present two-dimensional monitoring data as a set of grids referred to as a dashboard. These measurement results can be accessed using a REST API, as documented at
You can use this script to query the status of a Dashboard on Perfsonar, to query specific tests, or even to check the status of a grid. Example:
$ ./ -s -L | python -m json.tool
"data": [
"{#NAME}": "AmLight Backbone: rtt - MIA - BCT - SPO (Monet - 100 Gbps) - Ping Loss",
"{#URI}": "/maddash/grids/AmLight+Backbone%3A+rtt+-+MIA+-+BCT+-+SPO+%28Monet+-+100+Gbps%29+-+Ping+Loss"
"{#NAME}": "RubinObs-LS: Huechuraba to La Serena - BW: Huechuraba - La Serena (10 Gbps) - Throughput",
"{#URI}": "/maddash/grids/RubinObs-LS%3A+Huechuraba+to+La+Serena+-+BW%3A+Huechuraba+-+La+Serena+%2810+Gbps%29+-+Throughput"
"{#NAME}": "RubinObs-LS: Huechuraba to La Serena - Latency: Huechuraba - La Serena - Loss",
"{#URI}": "/maddash/grids/RubinObs-LS%3A+Huechuraba+to+La+Serena+-+Latency%3A+Huechuraba+-+La+Serena+-+Loss"
"{#NAME}": "RubinObs-LS: Huechuraba to La Serena - RTT: Huechuraba - La Serena - Ping Loss",
"{#URI}": "/maddash/grids/RubinObs-LS%3A+Huechuraba+to+La+Serena+-+RTT%3A+Huechuraba+-+La+Serena+-+Ping+Loss"
$ ./ -s -G "/maddash/grids/RubinObs-LS%3A+Huechuraba+to+La+Serena+-+RTT%3A+Huechuraba+-+La+Serena+-+Ping+Loss" | python -m json.tool
"{#MESSAGE}": "Average loss is 0.00%",
"{#NAME}": "RubinObs-LS: Huechuraba to La Serena - RTT: Huechuraba - La Serena - Ping Loss",
"{#SRC_DST}": ">",
"{#STATUS}": "OK",
"{#URI}": "/maddash/grids/RubinObs-LS:+Huechuraba+to+La+Serena+-+RTT:+Huechuraba+-+La+Serena+-+Ping+Loss/"
"{#MESSAGE}": "Average loss is 0.00%",
"{#NAME}": "RubinObs-LS: Huechuraba to La Serena - RTT: Huechuraba - La Serena - Ping Loss",
"{#SRC_DST}": ">",
"{#STATUS}": "OK",
"{#URI}": "/maddash/grids/RubinObs-LS:+Huechuraba+to+La+Serena+-+RTT:+Huechuraba+-+La+Serena+-+Ping+Loss/"
$ ./ -s -C "/maddash/grids/RubinObs-LS:+Huechuraba+to+La+Serena+-+RTT:+Huechuraba+-+La+Serena+-+Ping+Loss/"
Zabbix monitoring server allows you to create Templates and LLD (Low Level Discovery) to dynamiclly discovery and monitor your network. The template zbx_tmpl_perfsonar_maddash_rest_api.xml
shows how to create LLD and monitor the measurement test results from Perfsonar Maddash.