My dotfiles for primarily setting up a mac
- Fast and productive
- Modern (Use modern replacement of traditional tools)
- Aesthetic
- Multiple options Plan
- shell and related
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh -> ramework for managing your zsh configuration.
- shell prompt
- Primary -> starship
- Secondary -> powerlevel10k
- Terminal Emulators
- Terminal multiplexur
- Primary - Zellij
- Secondary - tmux with tmuxinator for easily managing sessions
- Experimental - tab
- manage ssh keys with sshstorm
- A viewer for git and diff output delta
- File Managers
- System Info
- git
- Fun
- Productivity and Modern tools
- fzf The command line fuzzy finder (quickref)
- television -> Blazing fast general purpose fuzzy finder TUI.
- ++exa -> A modern replacement for ls++
- eza -> A modern replacement for ls
- bat -> A cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
- tre -> A replacement for tree command that uses git ls-files as source of file when possible
- fd -> simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
- ripgrep (rg) - > tool that recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern
- dust -> du + rust = dust. Like du but more intuitive.
- fzf The command line fuzzy finder (quickref)
- Markdown renderer
- Help and info
- tealdeer -> a fast implementation of tldr
- zed
- Vscode/Vscodium
- helix-editor
- Emacs
- Multiple emacs “distros” managed by chemacs2
- Primary - emacsadventures -> My own emacs configuration
- Secondary - doom-emacs, invoked by doomacs
- Experimental - scimax (scimax), super-emacs (superemacs), elegant-emacs (elegantemacs)
- Vim
- dozer - hide menu items on macos
- Rectangle - window management on macos
- iGlance - macos system monitor
- cpuinfo - cpuinfo menuber app for mac
- vimr - Neovim GUI for macOS
- Generate gitignore with
- Generic Lists - Terminals are sexy, awesome-shell
- grc - generic coloriser
- Task Management - taskwarrior, taskell
- skim - fzf like fuzzy finder in Rust
- the-way, code snippets manager for terminal
- rtx - Polyglot runtime manager (asdf rust clone)
- Primary mechanism adapted from -> Holman
- Very good reference for actucal shell scripts from -> macos empire
- Important reference for a complete dotfile -> Mathias Baynes
- Great reference for my needs (e.g. installing oh-my-zsh) -> zellwk dotfiles