Please describe a general overview of this project, what client is serves, etc.
Please describe any necessary steps to get the project up an running in a local environment. Do I need to install some fancy tooling? Do I need a specific database or ENV variables to connect to remote systems? Is there framework documentation that I should be reviewing in order to work on this project effectively?
Please describe the framework, required dependencies and general architecture of the project.
It's recommended to set up seamless integration with your editor.
- ESLint statically analyzes your code to find problems in JavaScript quickly. (editor-integration)
- Prettier enforces a code formatting style guide for consistency across the team. (editor-integration)
- Stylelint helps avoid errors and enforces conventions in styles. (editor-integration)
Note: For an optimal development experience in VS Code install recommended workspace extensions. When using VS Code, most ESLint and Stylelint conventions will be fixed automatically.
This project is distributed under the MIT License.