The script that has boosted my productivity immensely for the last ten years.
How to use :
Put the EasyWindowDrag_KDE.ahk script in your Startup folder (fire up Windows File Explorer and just type "startup"). Put the Lib directory in the same folder.
And you're in business. Enjoy the productivity boost! Thank the genius who wrote that script to mimic KDE's drag/resize.
Most used :
ALT + F1 : toggle window maximization state
ALT + ESC : Lower window below other windows
ALT + LMB-click-drag : Move window
ALT + RMB-click-drag : resize window
2x ALT + RMB : toggle maximization state (same as ALT + F1)
2x ALT + MMB : close window (not used that often) (MMB : scrollwheel on windows pressed like a button)
2x ALT + LMB : minimize
2x CTRL + LMB : throw window (and maximize it) to the other monitor
#s : Launch snipping tool
#p : Launch paint (# = WIN key)
CTRL + ESC : Move window to origin of display (good with tools that have bugs and allow windows to go off screen)
CTRL + # + T : "fix" YouTube URL to use the "embed" link rather than "watch" link (once clipboard contains the URL) - bypass ads :)