Chameleon package provides an algorithm that finds the closest sentence such that, given a sentiment analysis model and a target sentence, identifies a different sentence which has same sentiment score when rounded to n decimal digits.
The algorithm works as follow :
- For each trial i :
- Generate a list of i*10 synonyms of each words . The synonyms are ordered by descending cosine similarity.
- Generate randomly a sentence set of synonyms :
- If the created sentence is closer to the target : sample from synonyms closer to this sentence for the next 100 iteration
- If no closer sentence is found in the closest words resample again from the whole synonyms list.
The algorithm stops after 5 trials or if it finds a sentence that meets the stopping criterion and is sufficiently different from the target (Levenshtein distance >= 30).
Here is an example on how to use :
from chameleon.models import HuggingFaceModel
from chameleon.probes import SimpleButEfficientProbe
model = HuggingFaceModel(
probe = SimpleButEfficientProbe(model, "My grandmother's secret sauce is the best ever made!")
result =
print("Found sentence:", result.sentence)
print("Scores:", result.scores)
Before running this code please install spacy en_core_web_lg. Via :
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
This package is currently loaded within the SimpleButEfficientProbe. For production purposes, it should be loaded outside of the class. However, to adhere to the submission format, I have kept it within the class.