####There is an example for SpringBoot Micro-services
1. Discovery Service: using Eureka Service for exploring child services
2. Gateway Service: using Spring Cloud Gateway for routing
3. Auth Service: using OAuth2 protocol. It contains model `User`. Username & Password for login
4. Core Service: It contains models: `Student`, `Teacher`, `Classroom`. A student / teacher is only in one classroom. A classroom has many students, one teacher.
5. Report Service: Make reports about Classroom
6. Logger Service: log result from `Report Service`. Using kafka to handle event
7. UI Service: display data. Using ReactJs.
- At start-time, all services will register themself to discovery-service.
1. Request to system, it goes through gateway-service
2 & 3. Gateway-service fetches public_key from auth-service via rest api for authenticate & authorize. If success, request goes to destination, else reject with code 401 or 403.
4. Request goes to service destination for business via Rest API
5. If request comes report-service, report-service will contact core-service via Rest & gRPC.
6. After report-service processes request successfully, it pushes one message to kafka-server
7. Logger-service receives message from kafka-server
I. Install Kafka for event streaming
- Download & install kafka:
- If Os is Windows, follow: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-install-and-run-apache-kafka-on-windows/
- Another Os, follow: https://kafka.apache.org/quickstart
- Zookeeper starts at port: 2181
- Kafka starts at port: 9092
II. Install postgres database
- Download & install: https://www.postgresql.org/download/
- Setting username & password. Default username: postgres
- Postgres starts at port: 5432
- Create database for gts-core-service: gts_core, gts_auth
- Require JDK 11+
IV. Gradle
- If use IntelIJ IDEA, skip this step. IntelIJ supports to build
spring-native package
for GraalVM - Install Gradle follow guideline at here: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/gradle/gradle_installation.htm
V. Docker
- if on local, recommend to use
Docker Desktop
- Install docker by using
Please run all services by below ordered. All services can be built into native-image
by spring-native
- Module name:
- Contain base package for another services: annotation, constant, dto, exception, util, protobuf
- Using google.protobuf lib to convert
file to.java
file - This module is compiled with another modules
- Module name:
- Using
for exploring child services - Service starts at fixed port:
- View all registered services at local:
- Run
to start service
- Module name:
- Using
- Service starts at fixed port:
- Info: all requests will be authenticated at gateway, before coming to destination service
- Run
to start service
- Module name:
- Info: Apply OAuth2 with Jwt for authentication
- Service starts at fixed port:
- Change DB config at application.properties
- Add postman guideline for auth-service to view at here: https://h.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/authorization/#client-credentials
- Springboot support 3 ways for tokenStore
- InMemoryTokenStore: AccessToken is stored in
(memory). No use for distributed system because sync. - JdbcTokenStore: AccessToken is stored in DB
- RedisTokenStore: AccessToken is stored in redis server
- JwtTokenStore: Authorizaton Server doesn't store AccessToken. Using public key for validating. So, Jwt is invalid when it is expired. Please set short-time for it.
- InMemoryTokenStore: AccessToken is stored in
- Running:
- POST /oauth/token: for login. Body request: grant_type: password, username, password
- GET /oauth/check_token?token=...
- POST /oauth/token: check token. Body request: grant_type: refresh_token, username, password, refresh_token
- Running
to start service
- Module name:
- Info: Process main business logic for
- Support REST API & gRPC
- Change DB config at application.properties
- Tomcat server & gRPC server starts at dynamic port, the port will be determined at runtime
- View Open API specification at:
- Running:
- Run
to start service - Test API:
(if run through gateway, please set<port>
to 8080) - Test gRPC: Using Postman, choose gRPC request. Set server URL:
. Chooseclassroom.proto
(in common-lib). Select valid method. Finally, click Invoke
- Run
- Module name:
- Info: Connect to
to provide report through rest apis - Report-service connect Core-service by using RestAPI & gRPC
- When client call apis to get report, there are message as action log sent to kafka
- Apply
to clearServiceInstanceCache
: run every 5 minutes.- SpringBatch flow:
- Create
-> add it toStep
-> Add toJob
. UsingJobLaucher
to run job. - Push
-> Add toTrigger
with one scheduler -> Running. - Can use
flow for JDBC working. - View detail at: https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/docs/current/reference/html/readersAndWriters.html
- Create
- SpringBatch flow:
- Running:
- Need start Core-service & Kafka (view setup step) at first
- Run
to start service - Start a kafka consumer on the terminal. Read the events from topic
(view setup step for get detail) - Test API:
(if run through gateway, please set<port>
to 8080)
- Module name:
- Info: Receive messages from report-service via kafka and then, show them on console.
- Running:
- Start Kafka & Core-service & Report-service at first
- Run
to start service - Make an API caller to
. And then, viewlogger-service
's console to see event message.
Running by docker (easily way):
- Turn on docker app
- Go to project_path, run command:
- Source code will be packed into
Running by jar file:
Run command:
./gradlew :<service_name>:build
ex: ./gradlew :auth-service:build
Go to build_folder inside service and run command:
java -jar <service_name>.jar
ex: java -jar gts-auth-service.jar
Remember DB setting before start service by above guideline.
- Using postman, view all services: http://localhost:8761 (may be take time, please refresh page)
- You need login at first, authentication info: use grant_type: password and username,password,client_id,client_secret at here
- You can use postman collection for import to Postman app, at here
- Enjoy result ^^
- Add caching for
orGet data from DB
by using Redis - Add cloud-load-balancer dependence for call api from report service to core service
- Create external service, impl SSO to follow: https://shekhargulati.com/2018/02/15/single-sign-on-in-spring-boot-applications-with-spring-security-oauth
- Add system architecture image
- Add websocket
- Add prometheus
- Add circus breaker