An alternative wysiwyg html editor designed to bridge the gap between modern and old javascript.
This library was first written in 2020 for internal projects, recently rewrite into Typescript. The purpose of SubEditor is to enable old and modern javascript framworks to enbrace a full feature wysiwyg html editor specifically designed with the following features in mind:
- Drop in replacement for old wysiwyg library with minimum code migrations on both server and client side
- Stick to real html and dom
- Available for plain JS and for library like React
- Expected, customized and normalized behaviors down to every keystroke (by using plugins)
- Smaller and more clean html output
- Lightweight, one single bundled file for all scripts, plugins, css and svg (182kb minimized, 44kb minimized & gzipped)
- All logics and behaviors are written in plugins (inspired by Slatejs)
- Work with raw selection and range (no browser exeCommand)
- Full features text, format, table and images
- Written in Typescript and each plugin is individually tested for quality
Plugins are a group of event listeners design specifically for alternating contents. Please refer to document plugin section for explaination of each plugin.
- align: left, right, center, and justify
- blockquote
- code
- color and background color
- format: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, paragaph
- fullscreen
- horizontal line
- images (url, upload, directly drop file to content and library) with server side examples
- indent and outdent
- url hyperlink
- ordered list and unordered list
- paste with clean html
- remove format
- table
- view and edit source
- text: bold, italic, underline, supscript, and subscript
> npm install subeditor
> npm install react-subeditor
import SubEditorComponent,{ SubEditor, ChangeEntry, SubEditorEvent, ToolbarItem, SelectionSlimState, SubEditorHTMLElement, SubEditorOption } from 'react-subeditor';
> git clone
> cd subeditor
> npm install
> npm run build
//open subeditor/tests/index.htm to see all the tests
<!--quick start in html, minified version is prebuild in dist folder:-->
<script src="dist/subeditor.min.js"></script>
//can be use on div or textarea
var targetElement = document.querySelector('div#editor');
//or var targetElement = document.querySelector('textarea#content');
//new SubEditor(targetElement, options);
var subeditor = new SubEditor(
onChange : function(change) { changeFn(change);},
pluginList : ["fullscreen","hr", "color","source","align","text","undo","redo","indent","format","remove_format","link", "paste","list"],
toolbarList : ["undo","redo","text","format","link","remove_format","indent","outdent","color","backgroundcolor","align","ol","ul","table","hr","source","fullscreen"]
Although it's fairly stable to use this project, I do want to take more time to make it better before making it 1.0:
- code and document clean up and more organized
- bug fixes
- more test coverages
- more universal or includes more common features