This is a Python implementation of the word2vec algorithm.
The major part of this code was written by Radim Rehurek and was extracted from the gensim
topic modelling library.
I added code that abstracts the sampling step of the algorithm, making it more convenient to try out new sampling strategies.
When initializing the Word2Vec class, you now need to specify a sampling function. Given a sentence, it should return
a list of pairs of vocabulary items (Vocab
). For instance:
model = Word2Vec(Text8Corpus(infile), size=200, min_count=5, workers=1, sampler=sampling_fn)
Although version is not quite as fast as the original (it gives ~50% throughput) it still beats a pure Python implementation by a factor of at least 50.
run python data/text8-small data/questions-words.txt
def sample_word2vec(sentence, window=5):
pairs = []
for i in range(len(sentence)):
word = sentence[i]
if word is None:
reduced_window = random.randint(window)
j = i - window + reduced_window
if j < 0:
j = 0
k = i + window + 1 - reduced_window
if k > len(sentence):
k = len(sentence)
for j in range(j, k):
if j == i or sentence[j] is None:
pairs.append((sentence[i], sentence[j]))
return pairs