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Releases: andesse/HUE-CLIP-API.Node-RED-Flows

Version 5.3.2

29 Jan 13:40
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Battery Status Subflow added, please check the readme

Version 5.3.1

26 Aug 19:23
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Added a subflow to get a true output when a scene is turned on.
More information in the readme

Version 5.3

04 Oct 18:54
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Version 5.2

01 Oct 21:14
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  • Small change again. Changed the alarm_flow.json file in the flows subfolder.
  • It works now with a function node instead of the node from ultimate boolean logic.

Version 5.1

23 Sep 15:33
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It’s an Updated flow for the motion-events, please have a look into the Readme release notes

Version 5.0

06 Sep 16:30
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  • Merged the V2 approach from FredBlo with the original flow
  • Updated the readme with better Installation Instructions
  • Array Splitter function node from FredBlo
  • changes added for upcoming Firmware

Version 4.3

03 Sep 15:43
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HUE changed the Event-Flow output in the API for groups. I got a beta release (1.53.1953188010) where it changed. Instead of sending payloads for every light/group seperately they changed it into a payload with one big array. For the reason that the response data for the group is not always at the same position the array need to be converted to single payloads first. All the data needed comes now directly as payload, so the subflows need to be replaced with this new version. Everything else seem to work like before.

These changes can be done already, even when you dont have this Firmware. You can replace your nodes to be prepared before the public Firmware rollout.

The new file is here:

Version 4.2

01 Sep 12:52
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Added 3 nodes for dimming functionality for Enocean / Zigbee green power switches

find it here: /flows/dimming_nodes.json

Version 4.1

28 Aug 18:50
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Small changes in the V2 prefix flow from FredBlo.

  • Rate limitation added to pro-actively avoid sending too many calls to HUE bridge
  • Retry management : added a 'loop stopper' : when 10 retries failed, request fails, no more retries to avoid infinite loops creation
  • Error management now manages the 429 error sent back by the bridge (with the 'real' new code the bridge sends back in case of exceeded calls)
  • Some clean-up here and there

These changes affect the V2 Main Flow. The Sender Flow got removed, so that we decrease the maintenance.

Andreas & Fred

Version 4.0

19 Aug 11:03
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User Fred.Blo created a new approach to make this flow concept even more easy to setup. Big shoutout for that!

If you have it already running with the initial release (up to v3.4), there is not much need to make these changes.
This will make it more easy to set it up initially. It also helps to have a cleaner looking Flow. There is one part of the Flow, that can be added seperately. It is an error handling mechanism for the Bridge timeout, "Event_Sender"