📖 Full Documentation: 👉 ifctrano Docs
pip install ifctrano
To check the installation, run the following commands:
ifctrano --help
ifctrano verify
This package is still under construction and is largely a work in progress.
There are still several aspects that need further development, including:
- Material and construction extraction
- Slab and roof boundaries
- Systems integration
- Additional validation
- Bug fixes
- ...
Help and contribution are more than appreciated! 🚧
ifctrano is yet another IFC to energy simulation tool designed to translate Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) models into energy simulation models in Modelica.
Unlike most translation approaches that rely on space boundaries (IfcRelSpaceBoundary) (e.g. see An automated IFC-based workflow for building energy performance simulation with Modelica), ifctrano operates solely on geometrical representation. This is crucial because space boundaries are rarely available in IFC models. Instead, ifctrano requires at least the definition of IfcSpace objects to build energy simulation models.
For now, each space is considered as a single thermal zone, and the necessary space boundaries are automatically generated.
✅ No reliance on IfcRelSpaceBoundary
✅ Works with geometric representation only
✅ Supports Modelica-based energy simulation
✅ Tested on multiple open-source IFC files
ifctrano has been tested using open-source IFC files from various repositories:
(Installation and usage instructions will be provided here, depending on the package distribution method.)
💡 ifctrano aims to make energy simulation model generation from IFC files simpler, more accessible, and less reliant on incomplete IFC attributes. 🚀