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Essa construção tá diferente! Construção é uma música de Chico Buarque, de 1971, que conta um dia comum de um trabalhador de construção que termina em um acidente de trabalho fatal. O autor enfatiza a rotina de trabalho e a banalidade da morte de trabalhadores como este com a repetição de estrofe, alterando as palavras ao final de cada verso, que se tornam novas metáforas e acabam alterando o sentido das frases.


Nas palavras da professora Clara Jorgewich:

"Palavras repetidas, em ritmo também repetitivo, transmitem o tédio daquele cotidiano, dramático por natureza – Seus olhos embotados de cimento e lágrima. Naquele dia, porém, uma nuvem sombria paira sobre a cabeça do pedreiro. Chico construiu o mau presságio usando o advérbio de modo COMO, mais o verbo IR no imperfeito do subjuntivo: COMO SE FOSSE. O efeito é angustiante – Amou daquela vez como se fosse a última. E se for a última? A morte ronda…"

Neste projeto é possível recontar esse último dia de trabalho infinitamente, aleatoriamente, criando novas imagens metafóricas. Para isso basta clicar no botão "Mudar palavras" na paǵina e ler as frases com final alterado.

1. Como rodar localmente

Este projeto foi criado com uma versão antiga do template Djavue, a versao python usada foi 3.6.15.

Step by step

source  # import useful bash functions
devhelp  # like this one ;)
dkbuild  # builds the docker image for this project. The first time Will take a while.
dknpminstall  # I'll explain later!
dkup  # Brings up everything

With dkup running, open another terminal

dk bash  # starts bash inside "projetofinal" container
./ migrate  # create database tables and stuff
./ createsuperuser  # creates an application user in the database

With dkup running, open another terminal 28

What is happenning:

  • is a collection of useful bash functions for this project's development environment. You're encouraged to look inside and see how that works, and add more as the project progresses.
  • dknpminstall will start a docker container and run npm install inside to download node dependencies to the frontend/node_modules folder. Using docker for this means you don't need to worry about installing (and choosing version for) node/npm.
  • dkup uses docker-compose to start 3 containers: postgres, nginx, and projetofinal.
  • The dockerized postgres saves its state into docker/dkdata. You can delete that if you want your dev database to go kaboom.
  • Once dkup is running, dk <command> will run <command> inside the projetofinal container. So dk bash will get you "logged in" as root inside that container. Once inside, you need to run Django's commands to initialize the database properly.
  • The projetofinal container runs 3 services:
  • django on port 8000
  • nuxt frontend with real APIs on port 3000
  • nuxt frontend with mock APIs on port 3001
  • nginx is configured to listen on port 80 and redirect to 8000 (requests going to /api/*) or 3000 (everything else).
  • Therefore, when dkup is running, you get a fully working dev-environment by pointing your browser to http://localhost, and a frontend-only-mock-api-based environment by pointing your browser to http://localhost:3001. Each one is more useful on different situations.
  • You're supposed to create features first by implementing them on 3001, then validate them, and only then write the backend APIs and integrate them. Experience shows this process is very productive.

2. Dev-env, normal-easy mode (dockerize nginx + postgres)

Running everything inside docker is a quick and easy way to get started, but sometimes we need to run things "for real", for example, when you need to debug python code.

Python setup


Step by step

dkpgnginx  # Starts postgres and nginx inside docker

With dkpgnginx running, start another terminal:

mkvirtualenv projetofinal -p python3  # creates a python3 virtualenv
pip install -r requirements.txt  # install python dependencies inside virtualenv
export DJANGO_DB_PORT=5431  # That's where our dockerized postgres is listening
./ runserver  # starts django on port 8000

Since nginx is also running you go ahead and point your browser to http://localhost/admin and you should see the same thing as in http://localhost:8000/admin

Node Setup


  • Install nvm (not required, but highly recommended)

Step by step:

nvm use 9  # Switch your terminal for node version 9.x
# no need to npm install anything, we already have our node_modules folder
sudo chmod -R o+rw .nuxt/  # I'll explain this later
npm run dev  # Starts nuxt frontend on port 3000

You can go ahed and point your browser to http://localhost:3001 to see nuxt running with mocked apis

To run nuxt using real APIs just turn set this environment variable API_MOCK=0

API_MOCK=0 npm run dev  # Starts nuxt frontend on port 3000

Since nginx is also running you go ahead and point your browser to http://localhost/ and you should have a fully integrated frontend+backend dev env.


A new look over the Chico Buarque song, Construcao.






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