REST WebService Mock including Webhook function The main goal of this project was to simulate a service platform to make performance tests of the own depending microservices. For example you have a microservice which is connected to MS Graph API to monitor MS Teams user states. In the real world it's hard to simulate thousands of users to test the own implementation
- configurable endpoints POST, GET, DELETE
- endpoints have JSON response objects saved in files
- JSON responses can include dynamics arrays
- JSON objects can have dynamic elements like timestamps, enumerations, random integer values
- Webhook support with configurable event sequences
The current configuration is set with the environment CONFIG_FILE, see launchSettings.json In this baseConfiguration.json are the endpoints, webhook and loop identifier
The project includes a example configuration. Start the service and there are 2 endpoints available
- https://localhost:5001/api/V1.0/users
- return 30 users with different names
- https://localhost:5001/api/V1.0/users/states
- returns the states for the 30 users, the states are calculated from a random enumeration
In the configuration is also a webhook event sequence defined. Every second the webhook is called for a random user including his state state To get it running you only need a webhook simulation URL from and than change the target URL in baseConfiguration.json