This project implements the red-black tree data structure, in particular the method to insert new nodes. This code was developed for the course Algorithms and Data Structures at Università degli Studi di Milano, a.a. 2020-21
The repository contains a suite of tests to check if the code works as expected. In order to run the tests, open a Terminal window and (from the redblack folder) run
dotnet test
After the test, the interactive program can be executed from the redblack/main
folder via the command
dotnet run
The code made by (A. Sala) is released through the Unlicense (see LICENSE).
I want to thank the authors of the following textbook for writing the pseudocode of the algorithm implemented in this project
Cormen, Rivest, Leiserson, Stein, Introduction to Algorithms (3rd Ed.), The MIT Press
If you find bugs or possible improvements, you're welcome to raise an issue. Note that maintenance will probably drop after September 2021
If you want to learn about other red-black cool stuff, click here.