busybee project folder
Code is now live at: https://busybee-264219.appspot.com/
Introduction: busybee is a personal project I built while teaching myself how to code. My learning goals with this project were:
- Learn to build a full-stack web application using Flask framework
- Build a useful tool to solve an everyday problem for myself
- Build an interactive user interface that tracks and stores user interaction data
- Create basic JS-based data visualizations to display user data
How it works: Note: This web application is best viewed with some user data already inputted. To view a more "complete" profile for a test account I created, log into the web application with the following credentials:
username: test1 password: test
busybee allows users to organize their lives into categories: school, work, hobbies, etc. They can then create goals within those categories and subtasks in checklist format. As they create goals and complete tasks, their usage data is stored and reflected in a basic dashboard on the homepage, which shows:
- Tasks completed vs. incomplete
- Breakdown of categories by number of goals in each, with the option to drill down into a given category
- Tasks completed over time, offering a basic measure of user consistency